Meeting Catilyn

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"Oh hey, ya made it." Baylor jogs up to Diamond as she walks towards where everyone is. "I was starting to think that it was going to be impossible with no way to contact you."

Yes, Diamond told them she had no phone. It was one of her tactics to get out of hanging out with them, but clearly that did not work. They gave her a specific time and location.

"Yep, I'm here." She purses her lips together.

"Well, we're just gonna play some soccer, eat some food, and swim a little." He nods his head. The two start walking to where Baylor's friends are.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit, so I can't swim." She says. She knew she was forgetting something before she left.

"Wanna go get another one from the surf shop? They're like twenty bucks." He suggests.

"No, I just won't swim." She waves him off.

"Okay." He says. An awkward silence settles in.

She's glad when they reach his friends because she doesn't have to talk to Baylor anymore.

All of his friends start talking to each other and it is in this moment that Diamond wishes she had her cellphone. She notices that this girl with blonde hair keeps staring at her. It is making her feel uncomfortable. She almost agrees to play soccer with the group, but she is not really good at it. Everyone goes to play, except for the girl who keeps staring at her.

"Hi, I'm Catilyn." The blonde haired girl is suddenly right next to her and talking.

"Hi." Diamond looks at her oddly.

"They told me you met them yesterday." She points to her friends. "I wasn't there so I had to introduce myself."

"Oh, okay." Diamond nods her head, uninterested.

"So, I hear Baylor's grandpa is real good friends with your grandparents." She states.

"Yeah, they are."

"So, you think Baylor's pretty cool, right?"

"He's cool, I guess." Diamond shrugs her shoulders, looking over at Baylor.

"I think so, too. We've only been liking each other since we were little." She says, but it's more like a warning.

"Okay." Diamond narrows her eyes.

"Yeah, we're real tight." She cocks her head to the side. 

Diamond could care less about Catilyn liking Baylor and vice versa. She just wants to go home. 

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