Chapter 2

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On our way to the movies, Tiff and Navaeh start arguing whether we should watch an action movie or a horror movie. Even though I would much rather prefer horror, I didn't say anything since the only thing on my mind was the gift box and the orange envelope.

I haven't opened it yet, and not cause I don't want to, but because I don't have the time to open it alone. It's not I don't want to tell anyone either, trust me, more than anything I want to tell everyone I knew about it, it's just that I would sound crazy doing so.

When I started getting those weird dreams my parents took me to a therapist who obviously thought I was mental, so I know that if I tell anyone about the gift box and envelope, they would seriously think I need help.

Nav and Tiff notice me spacing out so they stop walking.

"You know, just because you're keeping quiet doesn't mean we won't notice that something is wrong," Nav says.

"Nothing is wrong, I swear." I snap back.

"Are you sure?" Tiff asks. "Yeah are you sure?" Nav echoes.

"Yes, I am 100% sure. The only reason I'm not talking or listening to you guys is that I don't want to get involved in your dumb arguments. Plus isn't it obvious that horror movies are way better than action movies?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

Tiff looks at Navaeh and shows off her victory smile, "You heard her loud and clear, Nav, horror movies are way better compared to those lame fighting scenes in those shitty action movies," Nav flips Tiff off only making Tiff more amused.

"Fine, but only because it's Adi's birthday."

And with that, we head off to the movies without any arguments or fights of any sort. Don't get me wrong though, because although Tiff and Nav fight a lot they are still true friends.


When we finally reach the movies, we buy tickets for the new horror movie that just came out.

Nav is now shaking in fear for the horror movie and Tiff gives her a reassuring pat on the back then Nav loosens up.

When we walk into our designated theater, only two people are there which is odd since it is a new movie.

Even in the dark, I could tell that the only two people there were twins because of their matching hairdos, similar heights and green eyes glinting ever so slightly from the ads on the movie screen.

Nav and Tiff look for our seats as if the amount of people ( barely ) is normal for a new movie.

I look at the twins in the back to see whether they too are stunned that they and us are the only ones in the theater but instead I see them whispering into each other's ear and pointing at me while nodding their heads.

They see me staring and smile awkwardly, the way you do to someone when you have a crush. I pathetically let out a giggle and wave back at them noticing that they are pretty handsome and look like the popular type.

My smile at them fades when I realize that they're probably just making fun of me so I look away quickly as if none of what they did ever happen to me.

I catch Tiff and Nav looking at me as if I'm some type of alien.

"Adi, are you okay?" Nav quietly asks.

"Yeah, why?" I reply.

Tiff gives Nav a nudge signaling for Nav to speak.

"Well, it's because you're waving and smiling to a crowd of people you don't even know," Nav whispers urgently.

"What do you mean by 'crowd'? After all, there are only two people here other than us." I say in confusion.

"Well, I think you better look again because there are at least sixty to seventy people here, not including us," Tiff says.

I look around me and that's when I see tons of people giving me an odd look, people that weren't here before. How did I not notice? Was I daydreaming? I couldn't have been because I was aware of Tiff and Nav!

I quickly excuse myself to the bathroom and lie that it's an emergency, then quickly storm out of the theater and into the restroom.

I walk into the handicap stall since no one is using it, and since I need space to think about all that unusual things that have happened to me today. Then I remember the orange envelope and gift box that I stuffed in my purse.

Hoping that it'd give me the slightest clue to what's going on or at least make me happy with what awaits inside it, I take it out of my purse.

I decide to open the orange envelope first just out of curiosity and just when I'm about to do so Tiff pounds on the bathroom stall informing me that the movie is about to start but I pass on the offer because at this point I'm anxious to see what's inside the envelope.

I rip the envelope carelessly and look inside it but I see nothing. I turn it upside down and shake it and to my surprise, out pops a pocket watch.

I inspect it closely and start to open it slowly by pressing the button at the top wondering if whipped cream or something of the sorts will fly out of it and onto my face as a prank. The pocket watch opens but instead of some horrid prank flying out at me, a note falls from it and it reads...

  "Happy Birthday Adeline!
         We hope that you enjoy your sixteenth birthday! Also don't forget to keep dreaming, especially since they can tell us what's gonna happen next!
                       With lots of love,
       The twins from your dreams and the movies (if our predictions were correct)
P.s. Look at the back of the pocket watch
P.p.s. Open the gift box after you have met us in the parking lot. (Yes we know that you don't want to just tag along with two completely random strangers in a parking lot but we need you to anyway.)"

My hand started to shake. How did these so-called twins know about my dreams? Better yet, are these really are twins from my dreams?

Then I remembered that they claimed they were the same twins I saw in the theater and if I really wanted to know whether they were the twins from my dreams I could just go in the parking lot hoping I won't get kidnapped or raped and really meet with them instead.

I flip the pocket watch over, stupidly following what the note told me to do. On the back is a carved in magnolia flower which makes the gold pocket watch look magical.

I stare at it a little longer doubting that what happened but he wasn't even real.

I'm about to pinch myself but all of the sudden, the pocket watch lights out and enchanting, purple light.

I pinch myself for the second time but still, nothing happens and I'm still in this damn bathroom stall. I pinch myself again, still nothing. Harder this time, still nothing. At this point, I'm repeatedly pinching myself until my skin is red and throbbing.

I look at the utterly weird and somehow enchanting pocket watch that's lighting up brighter with purple every five or so seconds.

That's it. I officially give up. Sooner or later I'll eventually wake up so I might as well play along and follow the instructions the flipping note tells me to do.

I shove the pocket watch deep inside my purse so it's light is concealed and stuff the gift box inside the pocket of my hoodie.

I start to run out of the eerily empty bathroom but just as I'm about to walk out of the theater my phone vibrates.

I pull my phone out expecting it to be Tiff or Nav telling me to get my ass out of the bathroom cause the movie had probably already started but instead, an unfamiliar number pops up.

I unlock my phone to see the text that it sent hoping it's nothing crazy and to my relief, it's just my phone company saying I have to pay my phone bills. I sigh releasing the tension I had held up in myself because so far, this has been the most normal thing that has happened to me all day. Then I quickly walk outside to where the twins told me to meet them before I opened my gift.

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