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The clock struck twelve which meant that it was time for tea. It was just another day for Lucas. He was quite young to be a tea serving butler but he would do anything to provide his family a home. Lucas walked up to Madam Fegrain and asked what he would ask her every day at twelve o' clock.

"Good day my lady, what would you like me to prepare for today?"

 Lucas didn't need Madam Fegrain to tell him that someone extremely important would be joining her for tea. He could already tell from the way her wig was powdered more and the way the skirt of her dress was twice as large as she would wear it any other day.

"Lucas, I would very much like it if you brought me a large sponge cake with cream holding its three layers together and it should be covered with vanilla frosting to hold fresh strawberries from the garden. Today I would also very much appreciate it if you would brew me English Breakfast Tea instead of the usual. Did you get  that all?"

 Lucas finished writing down every last detail.

"It will be ready in twenty-five minutes tops," Lucas replied.

"Thank you, now run along." And with that Lucas bolted into the kitchen.

The kitchen was quite large, in fact, it held four furnaces. Inside awaited his twin brother, Michael. Michael also worked for Madam Fegrain considering that he and his brother have never been separated and that he loved cooking and baking. Lucas gave Michael the orders and waited for him to be done baking and brewing. As soon as Michael was done making the delectable goods, he set the cake and tea on the island table. Lucas scooped the tray of cake in one hand and the tea in the other and walked out of the kitchen and into the sunroom where Madam Fegrain would be having her "tea party."

When Lucas arrived he realized that the very important guest was a skinny middle-aged man with a graying beard and a tall black top hat. His face was pale and bony and he wore a monocle on his right eye which was so small, it looked like a gold contact lens. Other than that he wore very elegant clothes that only a rich man could afford and tucked away in his pocket was a pocket watch. Embroidered into the pocket watch was a magnolia and under it was what must have been his initials. The pocket watch almost looked enchanted when its gold rims caught a glimpse of the sun.

For a moment Lucas almost thought it was enchanted considering the fact that he and his brother born with the ability to read through any living thing's mind. But of course, every gift came with a catch because Lucas and Michael were cursed so that in a span of five seconds, the opposite gender of the twins would forget them. In other words, every girl whom they met forgot them except for their mother, and for some reason Madam Fegrain.

As Lucas was serving the tea he noticed that the very elegant looking man was studying him and his every move. The man studied every last detail of Lucas' slightly tanned face, green eyes and messy dark brown hair. He watched Lucas pour the tea, slice the cake, and bow and walk off into the kitchen.

This was something that creeped out Lucas to the point where he couldn't ignore it. He was going to tell Michael until he realized that he too had witnessed the whole thing. Staring suspiciously out of the kitchen door's little window was Michael who suddenly turned to Lucas with concern on his face.

"Why was that man looking at you so much? Was he rude to you?"

 Michael's face of concern stayed the same.

"Nothing happened Mike. That guy was probably observing my behavior towards Madam Fegrain." 

Michael's eyes widened like flying saucers.

"Lucas, he wouldn't stop looking at you. He even took out a notebook and wrote in it! For all we know, he might as well be a spy!"

Suddenly the kitchen doors flung open and someone walked into the kitchen. It was the man with the enchanted looking pocket watch. He took the pocket watch out and opened it. The face of the watch glowed in a purple, illuminating light. The twins couldn't help but stare into it. In the blink of an eye, everything went dark and the twins and the man with the pocket watch had vanished.

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