Chapter 1

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The twins were holding my hands, leaving me in the middle. Even though, I, for some reason felt like staying at the Big Ben, we were running away from it. Suddenly, everything stopped and we were out of time.

I gasp opening my eyes and adjusting to the light. It was that dream again. It was the dream I kept getting since I was eleven. It was that dream I've been getting for four years. But all those years mean nothing now because today it officially makes it five.

I check my phone to see what time it is. It's eight which means two hours until Navaeh and Tiff pick me up to go see a movie for my birthday.

I change into a gray hoodie and bleached ripped jeans before putting on my ancient Pumas.

As I walk down the stairs, my mouth waters. The delicious aroma of pancakes and bacon filled up the whole first floor of the house.

In the kitchen awaits my mom and dad. Mom has a wide smile on her face showing off her whitened teeth that could blind someone if they stared at them for too long. Dad has one mug of coffee in his right hand and a newspaper in the other.

Although it may seem like he didn't care, he did. I could tell because he is usually sitting down at the table but today he was leaning against the kitchen counter near a present bag.

My parents silently counted to three and then yelled, "Happy sweet sixteen, little dolly!"

Even though no one else was at our house except us three, my cheeks flush red from embarrassment.

Mom flips the pancakes onto my plate and grabs a handful of bacon and plopped them right next to the pancakes then set the plate on the table.

I sit down and try to eat my breakfast as if it was any other day, but it was obvious by the expression on my face that I was excited.

After I finish breakfast I decide to head and go grab my purse before Tiff and Nav pick me up and walk to the movies with me.

Just when I'm about to grab my purse something unusual happens. Everything around me feels still, unmoving and eerily unreal. I look around my room feeling paranoid.

My bed looks the same, and my vanity and the clothes in my closet have stayed put in their color order. So what exactly just happened?

Then I realize that my window is open. I could've sworn before I left my room that it was closed, and neither one of my parents could have opened it since they've been downstairs this whole time.

I check my room one more time hoping that nothing else is out of place and that maybe my window was always open and I just didn't realize it.

I sigh in relief but the relief dwelling over my body doesn't last because at that moment I spot a box wrapped in pink paper. The box was about the size of a wedding ring box and next to it was an orange envelope.

I slowly grab the envelope not knowing what to expect. Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring. I look out the window happy to see Nav and Tiff and the doorstep. 
I quickly stuff the gift box and envelope into my purse, then quickly head downstairs where I see Nav and Tiff already waiting inside.

"What took you so long?" Nav impatiently asks.

"Don't sound so rude, Nav! You don't know if she was taking her time redeeming herself and finally realizing that she needs a love life!" Nav snickers at Tiff's remark.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Nothing like your best friends greeting you with insults, especially on your one and only sixteenth birthday."

Tiff and Nav stare at me for one awkward second then burst out into laughter leaving me with nothing to do but join in on, well, laughing at my own, sarcastic self.

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