"Fine I get you don't want to talk but answer this why the sudden change? You let me in one minute and then the next you shut me out. Why? I am trying here and it seems like its for nothing. Chasing you is like chasing the clouds." He snapped getting frustrated and brushing his hair back with his fingers. I looked up at him he was very handsome, I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and realized why I was always shutting him out.

"I am scared to get rejected or hurt again." I whispered looking at my feet. He slowly lifted my chin up so I could look into his eyes again.

"Give me a chance and I promise you wont regret it. I promise to always protect you to love you, I promise you a shoulder to lean on when you need one. I waited my whole life to find my mate and when you found me I don't want to loose you! I know you been hurt before because I can see it in your eyes, I can also see that you can be very strong when you need to. I can even see how scary you can get when you get angry. But if you give me a chance I promise I will always listen to you and be the friend you need." He confessed as tears started flowing out of my eyes. I didn't know what to do or what to say so I stayed quiet. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just hugged him because it felt so right...for once it felt like I was whole and finally had something fighting for.

"I think I can try to give you a chance. I mean who else can say they get a second chance or in my case a third chance at love right? Just don't hurt me...please." I replied

"I would never think about that doll face." He whispered as he held me close to him. We stood there in the hall way just holding each other and feeling loved by one another. There was a lot to think about and learn from each other. 

"You know I am a very complicated person right. I mean when I turn I turn 23 I am going to go into a dramatic change." I explained 

"Its okay I will follow you through any thing" He said giving me his boyish smile. I think I can fall in love again with this boy. 


"Daniel I am not playing let me go" I complained 

"No such luck doll face not until you tell me who is the best looking guy you ever met" 

"Well there was that one guy oh and then there was what's his name" I replied giggling as he held me tighter. He was currently holding me against my free will. It's been a month getting to know Daniel and I learned everything about him as he learned everything about me. It was like I was an open book I could'nt keep anything from him after that one day. 

"That was not funny babe" He stated kissing my cheek.

"Well I would say that the best looking guy I ever met would be you but you're keeping me hostage" I admitted giving him my best puppy dog look. 

"I am not keeping you hostage or against your will. I am simply holding onto whats mine" He replied letting me go after kissing my lips. I loved getting kisses from him because I would feel the sparks go off every time. It was a lovely feeling something I was never use to and it felt so foreign. I know I was falling deeply in love with this guy and I was so scared that he would hurt me one day. He hasn't tried to hurt me yet but with my past you can never be too sure. So for now I am putting my heart on my sleeve just on case. 

"I love you" He whispered holding my hips. It was the first time he actually said he loved me I was shocked. I looked into his eyes hoping to find some lie in that statement but only found love and honesty.

"I think I love you too" I replied and realized after I said those words I really meant them. I loved Daniel with all my heart. I loved the way he bites his lip after kissing me, or when his eyes sparkle when he is truly happy. I love his brown eyes and his husky voice. I loved how we can stay awake all night and day just talking and that's all I can ask for is for someone to be there and he is always there when I need him. When I had my break downs and when my depression hut the hardest he was there to help me and hold my hand. He was the one to show me the light again and I loved it. I was happy again and it felt years since I was this happy, even when I was with Pat I was never this happy and to know Daniel was I mean is my happiness I gladly accept him. 

So picture on the side is Daniel 

Hope you like it comment, fan, vote. 

So everyone who ever reads this I wanted to share some sad news I lost my job so I am no longer a tooth fairy my wings were clipped last Thursday so now with that being said guess what? That means I have more time to update on a regular basis. I will try to update 2-3 times a week I really want to finish this book because I have another Idea for a new book and I am hoping it will be even better. So yeah hope you like this chapter was inspired with 2 main songs 

Story of my Life - One Direction 

They Don't know about us- One Direction 

Crazy for you - Big Time Rush

The Life of Sophia ArabellaWhere stories live. Discover now