How it All Began

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Chapter 1

Third Person P.O.V

     Sakura Sakamaki. The seventh and only female sibling. She had been born and kept a secret from the family. The secret was only shared between Christa, Karlheinz, Beatrix, and Cordelia. Each of them treated her as there own, but the two were also very jealous. They thought, 'How could Christa end up with a girl and I didn't?'.

     A year after Subaru had been born, Christa once again became pregnant, but this time, it was a girl. She was very happy, but knew that if she announced it to everyone, Sakura would end up like the rest of them. So she decided to hide Sakura, somewhere not even herself could find her.

     2 months after Christa had descovered her pregnancy, she fled far away to live her months and give birth to Sakura. She requested Karlheinz to take her someplace safe, and to leave her in peace. And so, it was done, and Sakura's fate was set, until a certain someone decided to ruin it. Cordelia.


Cordelia P.O.V

     "My dear sons, I have finally reunited with you. And now it's time I bring Sakura home to complete the family." I spoke through Yui, masked with a sinister smirk.

"Let Chinanshii go! Or you will pay!" Ayato shouted, ignoring me.

     I could tell that Reiji had listened to me, and was in deep thought. I can not wait to bring my little Sakura back home. She will give me the power I need, since she is the heir of the throne.

     "Who is this Sakura you speak of?" Reiji finally spoke, pushing up his glasses in the process. Finally! Someone asks!

"Sakura? Well, at least someone has acknowledged her. My dear Sakura, she is a little someone that you all will soon take an interest in. Even you Shu." Shu half opens his eyes, and they travel slowing until they reach contact with mine. "Now that I have everyone's attention, I will let Yui go. But just for a little bit. I must come back to continue my search of Sakura. It will be soon that we will reunite, and we will all be a family." I laughed, and let my hold of Yui go.


Reiji P.O.V

We will reunite and be a family? This interests me. Is there maybe, someone in our family we have not yet acknowledged? Cordelia had suddenly shown up in Yui's body, which explains a lot. She had fallen to the ground, and her eyes were closed. Seconds later, they openned once again, not to the bright green of a vampire's, but red. The color of Yui's eyes.

     "Did I fall asleep?" Yui asked, rubbing her head slightly. She tried standing up, but failed countless number of times. Ayato finally walked over to help her up with a frustrated expression.

"Yui, do you remember anything after you fell asleep?" Ayato asked, anger hinted in his voice. I rolled my eyes. All of them and there tempers, they have no self control.

"No, I was in my room, and then I suddenly woke up here. Did I miss something?" She asked dumbfounded.

"You will be informed later, but for now, we have another situation on our hands," Ayato spoke, "Who is Sakura?"


Sakura P.O.V

     I woke up to a loud crash. I quickly got up and out of my bed and run to the kitchen. I find my mother standing there looking at the floor, where pots and pans lie scattered all over. I calmed and put my hands on my hips, scrunching my nose.

     "Mom, I told you we need to buy and new rack for the pots and pans. They keep falling off." I stated. She looked up at me and put turned from a surprised to a sad expression.

"Oh sweety, did I wake you? I'm so sorry! I was making some breakfast, and then these just fell from the rack. I know we should be getting a new one, but I don't have enough money saved yet. We will soon though, I promise." She smiled apologetically, and started cleaning up the mess.

     My mom and I live in a small house, she doesn't make a lot of money. She works as a butler sort of, but she is transported to many different houses very often, so she isn't always home. I go to night school, but my mom says we might be moving soon, so that might change. It's 6 PM, school starts at 10 PM. I have a few hours to kill before I have to start getting ready, what should I do? Oh! I got it!

     "Hey Mom, I'm going to get dressed and go out for a bit, I'll be back soon." I told her. Before she could protest, I ran off into the other room and searched through my closet for something to wear. I decided on a high waist pair of just the go the my ankles, a dark red spaghetti crop top which showed half an inch of my belly, a long silky white jacket, and a pair of black high heels. I wore my hair down, it grew right above my waist, a pale blonde, almost white. I put on a tad bit of mascara, eyeliner, light eye shadow, blush and a light pinkish red lip gloss. I walked to my bedroom door and swung long strapped black purse over my shoulder and headed down the hall.

     I waved my mom goodbye, and she said, "Don't be out too long, you have school. Bye, I love you!"

"Okay Mom, I love you, bye!" I responded, and left. I had decided to bring my savings with me, and buy a new rack for the pots and pans. Mom and I discussed this before, she didn't want me spending my money on anything for her, but saving it for myself. But I can't bear to stand by and do nothing while she struggles with this, so I have to help.


Angelica (Sakura's adopted mom) P.O.V

     Today Sakura and I will be moving into a new district, and I will be working for a new family. There are rumors they are very strict and scary, and have fired dozens of people. I have been assigned to two families on the same days for some strange reason, and I hate to ask her this, but Sakura must work some of my shifts at the Sakamaki families house. Sakura is adopted, but she doesn't know. And when she was around five, she grew two sharp teeth, fangs, in her mouth. I found that afterwards she was a vampire, a man came to me, with long blonde hair, and told me of her powers and what she was. But this, Sakura knows. She has known as long as I have, and I can't imagine the pain she has had to go through because of it.


Ayato P.O.V

     It has been 3 days since everyone has heard from that women. Yui seems normal, we informed her on what happened, she seemed less surprised from what everyone expected, but she explained that she had seen her before in random times.

     "Today we will be having a new maiden working here. Her name is Angelica Cavick." Reiji said, coming out of nowhere. I was resting on the couch in the entrance way peacefully, until someone had to ruin it. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"*sigh* A girl? Finally, we need more women around here that aren't pancakes." I said as I stood up from the couch. An almost silent knock could be heard from the door, and Reiji and I looked at it. I walked over to open it, and found a girl standing there. She had pale blonde hair, identical to Subaru's, gorgeous flawless skin, and she was holding a bag. And she was NOT a pancake.

"Who might you be?" I asked with a flirtatious tone, smirking.

She cleared her throat and spoke, "I am Sakura Cavick, I am filling in for Angelica Cavick."

     Our eyes were connected and minutes passed.

     Sakura, she says. Sakura.


Hey guys! This is my very first story, so I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! There will be more to come! Let me know if it needs any improvement, thanks so much! I will be publishing at random times, not like one a week on a specific time. Most likely more often, on random days. Thank you for reading!

  ~ Sincerely, Christalox ~

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