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WARNING - mentions of homophobia and homophobic slurs

When the sun rose on Sunday morning, all the boys were already wide awake, despite not having to be up early for once, but there was only one reason why - the fans.

At first, they just assumed that they had caught wind of the hotel they were at, which would make sense due to the mobs when Niall got injured, however they soon realised exactly what had happened.

Liam was the first one to notice, when he tried to shut the noise out, and in doing so, end up zoning in on one word - fag. Repeated over and over again by a group of fans like a jeer at them.

He tapped Zayn to listen harder, and his mouth dropped open when he registered it too. Slowly, they slid out of bed and cautiously made their way towards the window, trying not to let the fans see them, and peered though a crack in the curtain, which unfortunately conformed their suspicions.

Half the crowd on their side were holding up ship signs with their names on, saying "we love you no matter of your sexuality" or things along those lines. But the other half, was what shocked them the most. They were throwing things at the hotel, shouting gay fags towards them and holding up anti-gay signs, saying they were dirty and disgusting.

They watched on in horror as the two sides began fighting, and police struggled to pull them apart. Liam wrapped his arms protectively around Zayn as he began to cry, unable to process what was happening.

Soon, Niall and Josh burst through the door, repeating their actions as they looked out onto a private car park. There were dozens of police officers arriving by the second as the fights got worse and the shouting got louder.

But the worst news was yet to come. Louis stormed into the room in a fit of rage and tears alone, slamming the door behind him. He took one look out of the window, and slammed his fist into the wall, probably breaking a knuckle or two.

Liam went to grab him as he swung his fiat back again, pulling him into his arms and holding him securely, before walking him over to the bed where he finally collapsed into a fit of body-racking sobs onto Liam's shoulder.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zayn glimpse a scrunched up piece of paper in Louis' still balled up hands, and gingerly went over to grab it, easily sliding it from his hand.

He read it out loud without reading it in his head first..,

"Dear my Louis,

After my confession to you last night, I thought I would be able to overcome this, but I'm sorry I can't. I love you, but I can't face the fans after what I heard them jeer this morning. I'm sorry, I truly am. I just didn't know what else to do.

Your Harry xxx"

"What does it mean? What has he done?! " Niall asked as Zayn finished, causing Louis to let out a heart wrenching sob.

"He's left. Gone. And no body knows where" Louis replied, and then, the boys were really in trouble....

Love At War - Book 2 of Secrets WithinWhere stories live. Discover now