Chapter 4

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"It was her." He said suddenly.

"The room that they went was the girl's room...".


The girl killed them? Impossible. How could a little girl be that merciless? I was shaking a bit. I could not imagine her killed all those people.

"My grandfather said the last time he saw her mother,she came to the market and went straight home. Maybe that time her power-".
"Started to develop". I continued. Her mother was afraid that the villagers knew about her daughter and kept her inside their house. She must be stressed out from it and release her power. I wonder what kind of power did she possessed?
"Did your grandfather mentioned where are they now?" I asked.
"Well after that happened, the mother and daughter was nowhere to be found BUT there were rumours that people saw them somewhere behind the mountains".
"Are there any village there?"
"As far as I know,there's no one live there. Also that place is kind of dangerous for people to live there. Animals,spirits...".

"Let's go there" I said.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just mentioned that there are unicorns, rainbows and fairies there?!" He was being sarcastic.
"Are you crazy? We might not come back if we go there. Who knows what beasts we'll find".

He maybe right. Its dangerous for us to go somewhere with unknown population. But my curiosity told me to go and search for that girl. I need to help her. She had no one that she could depend on.
"Yeah, I know. But something told me to go there and find that girl."
"Who told you? Your death??"
"You're being dramatic,Kyle" I told him.
"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to save our lives from unknown things just because your weird instinct said so".
"I know,Kyle. But let me do this for once. You know that I've been searching for a friend who's like me..." I looked down.
Kyle was taken back from what I said. He looked a bit surprised.
"What about me? I'm not your friend?" He said.
"Of course you are. You're my best friend,in fact. It's just that I need someone who can share the same thing with. You know what I'm saying.."
"A friend from your own kind,huh.."
I nodded.
"Just do me a favour,Kyle. For a friend". I continued,"Maybe you'll get rid of me and find real friends..".
"Hey, I heard that" he pointed his finger at me and sighed.
"Alright. We'll go tomorrow but I'm not doing this as a friend".
"What then?" I asked.
He just kept quiet and walked away. Then he went towards me and said," Make sure you bring lots of food. I might get hungry every hour". Then he went back home. I chuckled and went to the kitchen. Oh Kyle..


I got ready before dawn. I wore my black short-sleeved shirt with black jacket and black skirt with pants. I brought along my medium sized backpack and my robe.
I attached my sword on my belt.
We decided to meet in front of my house before we start our journey.

Kyle and I began our journey at sunrise.
"Did you told your parents about going there?" I asked him.
"I did. And they took it pretty well".
"How come?".
"Because they weren't even listening when I was talking about it".
"Relax. They probably thought I was going somewhere to have fun with my friends. Besides,they're always not at home."
I scoffed. "Yeah,like you have other friends than me..".
"Yes, I do".
"Oh yeah? Who?".
"There's Eleanor. The girl who lives besides my house".
"The one who cheated on you?"
He stopped and turned towards me.
"How did you know that?" He asked.
I smiled at him and continued walking.
"That's the benefit I have,Kyle. I'm invisible. No one can see me if they hate me. I saw her with other man one day just outside your village. Not far from my house."
I continued, " I recognised her immediately because I remembered how you describe her appearance. Fair skin,blonde hair and quite tall. She's prettier than I thought".
"Yeah but not good enough for me. She drank too much one night and she mumbled other man's name and she thought I was him. That was the last time we met each other".

We entered the forest after that. Kyle reminded me to stay close after we saw many traps inside the forest. He assumed that those traps were for animals and other creatures inside the forest. I heard a faint growl from behind and I turned around. Nothing. Kyle and I looked at each other as if to say "Be careful" with our eyes.

But we were not prepared for what was coming after that...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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