A Beautiful Girl?

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I watched the TV, feeling a headache starting to appear. Oh god, why did they have to videotape that scene, out of all the craziness that the camera could have recorded? 

I was currently lounging lazily in a hospital bed, watching the news. On the screen there was a young girl with wavy dark brown hair and pink eyes with to a nearly identical woman next to her. On the screen the scene seemed to be in slow motion, the chaos and the screams, the gunshots. The video mainly focused upon the girl's "heroic" act of "blocking" her mother from a gunshot, and it eventually came to the young girl laying bloody on the ground. I sighed at the reporter's overdramatic rendition of what had happened on the TV, and his praise of the "young, heroic, violin prodigy". 

Over the past week there has been continuous reports about the "terrorist attack" that happened during the NYTC (concert). In fact, I was the only one who knew that it was actually an organized assassination, meant for my parents. Over the past few days, there has been so many flowers and cards sent to me that they needed to be stacked in a separate room. When I woke up my parents had been sobbing, telling me to never do that ever again. I had nodded along, but I honestly didn't listen. That's because I didn't regret, and I would do the same thing all over again. My parents, when seeing my attitude, had wryly smiled while my father said something about me being my mother's daughter. 

I had also received the NYTC Award, and the scary boy had come in second place. He had also visited me once, but only to make sure that my hands had not gotten hurt, so that I could still play the violin. Apparently, he now viewed me as a "rival", and did not want his first worthy competitor to stop playing without him surpassing them. Arrogant little boy, what makes him think that he would ever surpass me.  Although his skills are quite terrifying, and he had actually surpassed me when I was his age, I had several more years of practice and experience. I will continue to improve, until the day he will only be able to see me by looking up to my lofty place. 

One day, I will become the greatest singer and musician in the world I promised myself. I want to continue to make people happy with my music, and to see just how far I can go. Of course, I will also manage my parent's companies in the future as expected of me, but I will have a lot of free time to go play the violin.

Anyways, recently I have been enrolled into a school called Haven Star Academy, an elite school that greatly emphasizes upon music and the arts. Basically, all of the kids that go there are the world's elites, born into money and gifted in one way or another. The academics portion was to prepare them for their future work, while the gifted portion was to spread the school's fame. There have been quite a number of idols and sports stars that originated from that school, making it the dream of commoners. 

The school allows a small number of scholarship students in every year though, but they need to have perfect grades and a gift of some sort. The old Alexa didn't qualify to enter that academy until Middle School, when she debuted as a "glamorous" idol. With her money, music ability, and looks, she quickly became famous and was named the queen of the school. I had qualified earlier because of achievement in the NYTC and my recent fame originating from that video. They are probably aiming to shape me into a music star. I don't mind though, for that is what I wish for. 

I slowly got up out of my bed and peeled off my covers. The movement hurt, but the feeling of being so bored was overpowering. I somehow shifted myself onto a wheelchair where I sat down. I knew that my parents would NEVER allow me to do this with my injury, but I grabbed my violin on the way out the door, leaving behind a note that said I had gone out for some air. 

I explored the hospital, until I became lost. I continued to wheel around, hoping to find my way back, when I came upon a lake. It was a small lake with a few geese swimming about on top. The trees swayed in the breeze and the sky was a bright blue. I gazed at the peaceful, quiet scene and could not help but bring out my violin. I stroked the black wood before I put it up to my chin and started to play. I played "Legends" by Julia Okrusko, which was a song that perfectly fit this atmosphere. It was serene and beautiful, and made one's stress seem to flow away with the wind. 


"Legends" By Julia Okrusko

After the last few chords died, I slowly opened my eyes and stared out onto the calm water. Then, I heard a twig snap. I turned around slowly in my wheelchair and was stunned at what I saw. There was a beautiful girl, about my age, with silky white hair and large golden eyes. She was probably the most beautiful person that I had ever seen apart from my mother. She was currently staring at me with her jaw dropped open, listening to the music that I had produced. 

I waved hesitantly, "um... hello." The girl quickly snapped out of her daze.

"What song is that? Who are you??" She asked me with a slight British accent. As a child, I had been required to learn several languages to prepare me for international business. It has been quite useful recently, and will be when I (hopefully) go around the world on tour one day.

"That song is called "Legends". And my name is Alexandria Helastil."  I smiled at the girl and placed my violin back onto its case.

"Helastil... where have I heard that name before..." The girl seemed puzzled. Her face also seemed somewhat familiar, but like with the scary boy, I could not recall from where. The girl turned to me again, "Why are you here? This is supposed to be private grounds, you are trespassing."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, "I did not know that I was trespassing, I am lost and could not find my way back to my room. You do not seem hurt, why are you at the hospital?" I asked curiously.

"None of your business," the girl snapped. I drew back in surprise. The girl sighed lightly, "I'm sorry, I did not mean to sound rude, I just... I would rather to not talk about it."

That was the first time that I noticed the dispirited air hanging around her, as if she no longer had the will to live. I had been like that once, bottling up all of my pain, feeling alone and that no one would ever understand me. Luckily, I was given another chance, and I now have a loving family and everything I could have ever wished for.

I nodded in sympathy, "I get you. I will leave you to your thoughts, but can you please point me to where I'm supposed to go?" The girl stared at me silently, and then pointed to her left, from which there was a little dirt path. I nodded gratefully, and then wheeled myself over while wondering just who was that child?

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