Chapter 23

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"Will, it's time for you to meet my parents." I told him in the car after lunch.

It was still early in the afternoon.

"Of course. I'm excited to meet them." He smiled.

"Go to Benevola Garden. I think it's just a few blocks away from here."

He nodded and off we went.


We stopped at a little store and bought some candles, matches and flowers. Pink flowers for Mommy and white flowers for Daddy.

I remembered when I was still a kid. I'd pick flowers in our garden and often picked the pink and white ones and give it to them. Every afternoon, we'd arrange them and place them in beautiful vases. And every night when they kiss me goodnight, they'd place two pink and white roses on my bedside table and say "These roses will remind you that we're just here. We love you Julia." Then tuck me in.

Mom loved pink and Dad loved white.

Now, it just hurts to give them these flowers. It reminds me of the happy memories we shared before they died and it hurts. Without them, this empty void can never be filled. I miss them.

Will and I walked to their tombstones and I tried to stop the tear that was wanting to fall.

I knelt down in from of their tombstones. "Hi Mommy." I said in front of my mom's tombstone.
"Hi Daddy." I said in front of my dad's.

"I miss you." I added as a sob tried to escape from my lips and tears began to fall.

"Hey now...don't cry." Will said as he smoothed my back. "They don't want to see you crying."

Will got his handkerchief out of his back pocket and began to wipe my tears.

"Mom, Dad," I began to say in front of their tombstone, "this is Will. My boyfriend."

I could feel Will smiling. He trailed his hand down on both their tombstones. "Hello ma'am." He said to Mom. "Hello sir." He said to Dad.

I got the candles out of the little paper bag and began to light them up.

"This'll keep you warm." I said as I placed the candles in front of them.

Next were the roses. I placed the pink ones in front of Mom and the white ones in front of Dad.

August 25, 2012

5:40 am

The Montelea War

Fire, smoke, gun shots.

Smoke was everywhere. I couldn't breathe. I was in my room. It was so smokey and I could hear gun shots outside but I was too petrified to move. Just then, Dad came in with Ashlee in his arms.

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