"Here, sit with Kate while I go change too."

"Ok." Alexis replied hopping into Kate's arms while she sat on the bed.

"I like your pajamas." Beckett said, to distract the worrying child.

"Thanks! Daddy got them for me for my last birthday. I really like them."

"So how many times have you been here before?"

"Only twice, but I was only two or three the first time, so I don't really remember."


"Will the monsters come and get us?" Alexis leaned in closer.

"Of course not. You know why? Because they know that the three of us: me, you, and your dad, are gonna kick their butts if they try anything."

"That's good."

"Are we ready for bed my ladies?" Castle joined in exiting the bathroom. Castle got in on the left side of the best while Kate on the right, and Alexis in the middle of the both of them. So Kate was to the right of Alexis laying down, and her father was to the left. The three of them while cold, fell into a somewhat warm slumber.


When morning rolled around, both adults woke up to a disrupting force jumping on the bed.

"Look, look! It's snowing!" Alexis beamed while plopping down in between the two people she loved most, of course with the exception to Martha as well.

Both Castle and Beckett groaned and sat up. Kate was the first to speak, "yeah, it really is," She then gave her signature look to Castle, "you said it wasn't supposed to snow until June."

"It wasn't!" He defended in a somewhat joking matter.

"Did you do this just to get me to stay here?" She cocked one of her eyebrows.

"Nah! I thought it would be relaxing for you, I honestly didn't think it would snow."

"Can I go outside and play? Pleeeeeaasssse." Alexis begged.

"Just make sure to stay warm. And don't go to far, and no running or anything like that, I don't want you to slip and get hurt."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She kissed them both on the cheek and hopped off the bed. Castle turned to Beckett.

"We have about an hour or so before she comes back in..." he said seductively, beginning to lift up her sweatshirt.

"Nice try, but I need to figure out what we're going to do if we get snowed in." She sat up and so  did Rick, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and just stayed there looking out the window.

Kate walked around to him, "Come on, don't look so sad, I'm sure we'll have time tonight, because feel that? The powers back on." She lifted her hands around her to feel the heat. She then turned to walk away again, but before she could get to far Castle grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him, so she was straddling him up against the bed.

"Come on, you know you want too." He said pecking at her neck, which always caused her to go crazy.

"I-do Castle. It's-it's just-" she leaned her head back farther and moaned. She turned her head up and kissed him softly. He pulled her closer and she began to slowly move her hips against him. He moaned into her mouth and they both scooted back onto the bed with her still straddling him.

Kate paused and took off her sweatshirt, which she had no bra on under.

"See, we have time." Castle said while switching their position so he was in between her legs lifting off his own shirt. Kate ran her hand down his chiseled abs. They both kept gripping at each other's pants when they heard a scream. It was Alexis.

Caskett: Never Ending LoveWhere stories live. Discover now