4|One Love

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His lips...!

Shagun fumed; she has forgotten the feel of them; there was a time...

He could be hers, once again, and this moment of burning was the kind of provocation she needed. She was not the one to keep quite. Her feet closed in towards them, who were lost in each other; his hands treacherously stroking around her waist when she stayed stiffened. There was no trace of struggle, no positive signs to proceed the proximity either. That does not mean she would not stop them from crossing the limit, in the corridor! He is her fiancé, Shagun gritted.

A hand grabbed her elbow, too rough and swift her eyes cleared on the interior of Bhalla house. Who brought her there in a second! "Why can't you let them talk, Shagun mamma?" Aditya's voice boomed. He shook his head, as if she is the stupidest person alive.

"Can't you see, Adi? Are you blind? They aren't talking for God's sake!" She shouted. Her voice penetrating his eardrums while he kept patience, observing her movements, he found her trying to pace out, to intrude the matter between his parents.

"Let them be na!" He bellowed halting her, her eyes emitting shockwaves. "Let them be alone!" He repeated.

"What rubbish!" Seeithing, she flung a glare that he ignored, determined not to let her break the scene unfolding in the corridor. That could be fatal or something that would lead to what he wishes; he did not know the outcome but the confrontation was inevitable. "You know what you're doing, Adi?" She clenched; he knew what was on his way; she is the same and her points are always the same like she is one plastic woman with a postponed expiry date. "He's your papa! Your papa is there, doing dirty with a random woman! If you remember, Isheeta is no more Raman's wife! They are no one to each other and this is filthy! They shouldn't do it, Adi! Think about the reputation of our family! What'd people say! Jus-just let me stop them before it goes overboard." She was restless; her eyes searching a way out, but Aditya was right on the main doorway that blocked her.

"See who's talking!" He mocked. Her lecture worth hours of laughing but he could think of wasting time later. "Watch what you talk, Shagun mamma! You're incredible!" He was amused.

"Oh please, this's not time to talk about Ashok!" Shagun bit back resentfully.

"I never mentioned him!" He expressed mock-wonder. "They are my parents, and you're no one to disrupt what's between them!" She would not break that statement, because she was vivid about her place in his life. It was nothing but nothing.

"Adi, let me go and talk to Raman for God's sake!"

Imploring for a few minutes, her strives ended when Pihu came into her arms, asking her to spend time with her; this girl has a bad timing. First thing, last day, she annoyed her by spoiling her chance to slap or humiliate Ishita and now, she has been destroying her life that she was trying to secure somehow. She would not let her! She would not, and she hated her the most! Someone blame her, she has her reasons; she always does but not convincing to any living soul. Better do not think about anything, rather, what could be Raman doing with Isheeta! She could do nothing about it; at least not for the time being.

The silence between them gave off passion; her eyes never failed fo show the coldness blended with a tint of longing. He could barely fathom her eyes that he once used to read easily. Those now seldom expressed what was deep within. "Ishita," The depth of love and yearning his voice reflected could have melted her, if the seven years have not changed her emotions a tad. Thought of them suffocated her, she could not wave it off but squirm; the more spaces, the less hurt he would endure from her. So much she wanted to prick him, with her tongue but then, she was that dumb woman who still could not wash away the remnants of once true love she had for him; he does not deserve but she would die before saying she hates him.

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