~ Part 2: Day 1 ~

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"Kookie? What are you doing here?" you asked still half asleep.

"Come on get up, do you want us to be late." he whined.

"Be late for what?"

"Did you seriously forget? Today is the first day of school."

Oh right how could you forget. You were confused because you were positive that you set your alarm to wake you up on the first day of school. Which was strange because you were always prepared for things like this.

You slowly rolled out of bed. But it seems you didn't look where you were rolling so you fell off of your bed.

"Ah, are you ok Y/N? You need to be more careful next time." He said concerned.

"Jungkook, I don't think I'm going to school today. I'm tired, I'd rather sleep~."

"No. You're coming to school with me." he said sternly.

"No! I don't want to!" I whined.

"Come on~. If you do, I'll take you to the bakery after school." he said sweetly.

You really wanted some sweets but you were still hesitant. You really didn't want to go to school. But then, it happened..... He showed you his beautiful smile.

 He showed you his beautiful smile

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And you just could not resist.

A/N: sorry the parts are so short. I'm new at this so I'm bad at writing. Please forgive meh. K you can continue the story

His Smile {Jungkook FF}Where stories live. Discover now