Chapter Thirty: The Changing Project (pt.1)

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Aiden's pov

"Everyone get out!" I shouted as I stepped back into my house. I scrunched up my nose in disgust as girls walked around in search of their clothes. A door swung open and Andrew stepped out, struggling to put on his jeans as he walked down the hall. 

"Dude what the hell where were you what happened?" He asked, obviously pissed. "A lot happened." I sighed as I slumped in an armchair.  He sat down on the floor across from me with a questioning look. "Are you gonna tell me or..?" He asked as I dazed off into space, lost in my thoughts. 

I knew I really fucked up this time. I was going to let Camryn fall for me, do things to make her jealous like kiss other girls. But this time was to just get my mind off her. This time, I went too far. 

It's nothing I haven't done before, it just wasn't meant for Camryn. And the fact that she found out, and even witnessed it, devastates me. 

"Earth to Aiden!" Andrew called as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.  I blinked a couple of times and gathered my thoughts. I looked at Andrew who was still questioning me with an eyebrow arched. 

"Right." I said, shaking my head to clear my mind. "I went to Camryn's." I replied. "Weren't you upstairs with that chick? What's her name uh.." Andrew said, running a hand through his hair. "Ashley, Amanda, something with an A." He gave a goofy grin. "I really fucked up Andrew." I sighed. 

"How exactly did you fuck up? I mean you fuck up all the time your life is practically a fuck up." He chuckled. "No I can't even get my girl!" I said loudly. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair and stood up. I walked towards the window and looked through the glass. It was now, somehow, raining. 

"You can get any girl you want so shut up." Andrew laughed and threw himself onto the armchair I was sitting in.  "Yeah but-"

"No buts. You are going to get your girl." He said, pointing a finger at me. "I can'ttttt." I whined. "You never know. You can always try. Even if she still rejects you, at least you  put in some effort.  That'll attract her for sure. " He said as he walked off into the kitchen and opened the fridge. 

"No that's not it." I huffed, shaking my head as I continued to look out the window. "A change would be good. What kinda guys she into?" He asked as I heard the fridge slam shut. I never really thought about a change, but now that I think about it I could really use one. 

"Not guys like us." I scoffed, "Maybe a change would be the best for me." 

"This is gonna be hard to get used to." Andrew laughed as he walked back into the living room, beer in one hand. "You think this is gonna be easy for me? I'm Aiden Daniels, the most badass in all high school. I'm gonna graduate soon too." 

"It's weird. I'm way older than you. You're still a little fetus." He said as he pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and he laughed. "I'm almost as old as you." I shrugged. 

"I'm nineteen." He said, confused. "How did you manage to get into the gang anyway? Ariana only-"

"I don't want to talk about Ariana. She's a bitch who can go suck a-" 

"I know you hate Ariana, and I totally understand that. You have the absolute right to. In fact, I'm not very fond of her either. It bothers me how she favorites me too." He said, taking a sip of his beer. 

"She's always favorited you. Even when you first joined. She even had a thing for you for a while until she met Bryson." I made a disgusted face. 

"Bryson is actually pretty cool. He let's us get away with everything when we screw up. He doesn't even tell Ariana. Him and Ethan are also pretty cool." Andrew argued. "I never really got to have an actual  conversation with him considering Ariana got with the guy right  before I left." I shrugged. There was a moment of silence.

"Back to the conversation." Andrew said as he placed his beer down on the coffee table. "You and uh what's her name? Cecilia?" He asked. 'Where the hell did you get Cecilia? It's Camryn." I said angrily. "I know you're fond of her but calm down." Andrew said as he held his hands up in defense. 

"I'm sorry I just really like her. Fuck I really like her." I sighed.  "I know and that's exactly why we're doing this." He clasped his hands together. 

I arched an eyebrow. "Doing what?" I asked. 

Andrew smirked playfully, excited about whatever it is we're going to do. "We're going to be doing a little experiment called changing."


This chapter was a lil boring and I apologize for that.

Ashley the Stripper 


May 8, 2017 

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