Chapter Twenty-Four: Boss

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Camryn's pov

"Let me go!" I shouted. Nick laughed. His grip got stronger. "Ow! Let me go you stupid, ugly, nipple!" I shouted again. "I wasn't so ugly when we were together." He chuckled.

"Key word, were together!" I kicked his leg. "Ah! Stupid bitch!" He growled. "I am a female but I wouldn't consider myself a dog!"

"Shut up!" He shouted, which silenced me. "Should we bring her to boss?" A deep male voice asked. "I don't know man." Another male voice replied.

"Boss?" I asked as I was thrown onto a chair with a thump. The bag was ripped off my head. "Fina-fucking-lee." I sighed with releif.

I looked up at the four boys standing infront of me. They were all so gorgeous. "Woah you guys are hot. Except Nick." I said in awe.

"Whatever." Nick murmured. "I'll call boss." A tall blonde guy said. The rest nodded. The tall blonde guy pulled out his phone and dialled a couple numbers. "Woah what the hell why do you need an iPhone seven plus?" I said. The tall blonde guy rolled his eyes and held his phone up to his ear.

A female voice answered, and I could hear the voices perfectly. "What?" She grunted. "Uh-yeah we got her." The blonde guy said in a low voice so I wouldn't hear him. What an idiot.

"Bring her up." She growled. "Okay." He said before hanging up. "Boss want to see her." He said as he looked up at Nick and then me.

Nick grabbed hold of my arm. "Fucking shit man what the hell." I said. "Shut up." He growled. I let out a loud groan causing the others to groan back in annoyance.

We stepped into an elevator and Nick pressed the button to the tippity-toppity floor. "Who's this boss?" I asked. "You'll see." Nick smirked.

"What if it's Brian? Oh my God I'd murder him. Oh wait it can't be Brian because boss is a girl, right? What if Stephanie faked her death and she's boss? Oh my God." I gasped the last sentence.

"Shut up!" They all shouted at once. "Well it's my duty to annoy you guys! Hehe, duty." I giggled.

They all groaned and the elevator doors opened, leading to a hall with dark red floors and dim lights.

The walls were black and white and kinda hypnotizing. "Woah, trippy dude." I said in my best surfer guy voice.

"I've never known any boss that's a girl. Wow that's amazing I look up to your boss." I blabbered. Nick suddenly knocked on two big wooden doors, one of his hands still gripping onto my arm.

The doors opened slowly, the dim light growing even darker as a long red carpet lead to small stairs.

"Wow I feel famous." I said as Nick and his crew lead me to the steps. "Is that a throne? God damn!" I asked on awe. A large 'throne' sat on the top of the steps as a figure sat in it with their legs crossed.

I couldn't make out her face, due to the lighting, but she twirled a strand of hair around her finger playfully.

"Hello Camryn." She said as she stepped down the stairs slowly. I gulped.

"Hi uh-" I started nervously.

I gasped as she stepped closer, revealing her face.



Wowie woahwie wowie woah okay

Qotd : Favorite brand of clothing?

I love you all so very much :) ❤

Sorry, I'm Not Into Bad Boys Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora