Chapter Four: Stubborn Experiences

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And here is one of my favorite throwbacks of all time. Take the time to enjoy this song while reading this chapter. Enjoy ;))))

Aiden's pov

"You must be Stephanie." I said sliding beside the hottie who I was told was Stephanie. "Yeah?" She said cocking an eyebrow at me. I gave her a slight smirk and she rolled her eyes.

What the hell my looks gets girls every time. Damnit Camryn and her damn friends.

"Look pal," she said, pushing me away from her. "If you're trying to get into my pants you should at least try." She said. There was a sudden burst of laughter from behind me and I turned around.

Camryn and Aaron were cracking up, clutching their chest trying to catch their breath.

"Whoo!" Camryn said walking up to Stephanie. "Good job buddy." She said, patting Stephanie on the back and wiping the tears of laughter away with the back of her hand.

"You too Aiden. I told you she's stubborn." She said walking towards me and giving me a pat on the back as well. Stephanie gave me a benevolent smile and wiggled her fingers at me, signaling me to leave. I rolled my eyes and left.


"Why is Camryn and her friends so stubborn?" I asked Brian as I leaned against a wall, wiggling out a cigarette from its box.

He shrugged without taking his eyes off a girl walking down the side walk. She had a nice figure with shorts and a crop top.

"Damn." He whispered, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

She caught our glimpse and winked at us, walking away.

Me and Brian always met up at our spot after school, a dark alley close by a drug store, a gas station, and a small restaurant. We usually just go there to smoke and talk about...stuff.

"Brian?" I asked. He nodded his head at me, replying with a, "Yes?"

"Why doesn't your sister like bad boys?" I asked. Brian let out a sigh and looked down. "She does find them attractive looking, she just.." He looked back up at me.

"She's had some bad experiences."

"Like what?"

"Well first of all, 'Bad boys'? Like c'mon. She doesn't think they're a very good influence on her, she likes boys who are nice and kind and caring, good grades blah blah blah shit like that." He said, stepping on his cigarette.

"And what do you mean by 'experiences'?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me. "Camryn dated a guy, Carlos, God I always hated him. I have no clue why she liked him. So one day, Valentines day, she wanted to give him her virginity. I didn't want that, me and Cam got into a really big argument. All I wanted to do was protect her. She stormed out of the house and walked all the way to his house to get it over with. He gave her a spare key, so she wanted to surprise him. But when she got up to his room-"

"He was in bed with someone else?" I asked.

"Yeah.." He said as he walked to his car. "He did drugs, sold drugs, was always smashing chicks." He said stepping into his car in the driver's side.

"Awe man." I said, stepping into the passenger's side and slamming the car door.

"We wasted so much money on icecream that day." He chuckled.

"I swear," He said in a very serious tone, looking at me. The blaze in his eyes dug into mine, it was terrifying. "If you ever try to get into her pants, or break her heart I will-"

"I know." I grumbled.

We drove off in silence. What kind of douche would do that to her? I thought if it for a moment, but then realized that I'd done that.

So. Many. Times.


Ooooh first chapter with Aiden's point of view ;))))

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