Alex takes off his jacket and hands it to a waiting maid. He takes mine off, passing to her. She scurries out of the room.

"I'm Miranda." She smiles at me, her perfect red lips creasing out into her pale cheeks. Her eyes look almost golden, a pale brown and unusual.

Oh crap, curtsy!

"Uh, Stephanie." I say as I curtsy.

She frowns. "Oh stop that." She smacks Alex on the arm. "Did you tell her to do that?"

He grins.

"In this house, Stephanie, our friends do not curtsy or bow."

"Ok." I say quietly.

"Gertie has made a killer meal tonight, come, it's almost ready."

Alex takes my hand and pulls me through the entry way. A man exits one of the rooms to the right. Tall, sandy blonde hair, stunning dark green eyes.

"Alex." He slaps him on the back.

"Terrance this is Stephanie."

"Hello." He smiles at me.

Wow. Another gorgeous person.

"Any word on the girl?"

"No." he says sounding almost like a sigh is about to follow.

A diminutive woman appears at the entry way, clearing her throat.

"Dinner is served."

The maid flutters around the table, lingering too long next to Alex. When she reaches the other side of the table, I can see her looking at him, fluttering her eyes. I would like to think that he is ignoring her, but I cannot tell, his face is unreadable as he talks to Terrance. She catches sight of me watching her, and lowers her head, fleeing quickly from the room. That's right miss flutters her eyes... not for you, leave now. After an extremely filling three course meal, Miranda leads me to the lounge room for idle chit chat, while Alex and Terrance go who knows where. How old world of them.

Rich red walls warm the room; the cream curtains hang gracefully over the windows. One of the maids bring in tea and place it on the coffee table in front of us. Miranda leans back on the large cream lounge, waiting patiently for the maid to depart the room. I feel awkward, out of place. I have never done tea and conversations with anyone let alone a freaking duchess.

"Alex tells me that you recently finished school."

"Yes. Penny plucked me right out of my class." I smile softly.

She pours the tea for us, passing one to me.

"Thanks." I say lowly.

"Did you have plans for after your schooling?"

"I had been accepted to university but now...." I trail off.

"Do you plan on continuing with your education?"

I shrug.

"I have a job now." I say as I look into my cup.

"I'm sure you could continue your education via correspondence or something similar."

"Yeah maybe."

I sip the last of the tea and carefully place the expensive looking cup and saucer down on the coffee table. I watch with curiosity as Miranda gets off the lounge, kneeling at the coffee table, she takes the cup and looks into the cup, at the tea leaves. She frowns, concern creeping across her face, she swirls the cup and looks at it again.

A Vampire's Life Book 1Where stories live. Discover now