Chapter 21

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The DJ scratches out a heavy dance beat. In the darkened room that is filled with vampires and humans, I search out Alex who has disappeared to find a meal. I found it surprising that the king authorised the go ahead for this party, even with Melody still on the loose. Not found for over a month now. She is planning something; this I am sure of. A face appears in the crowd, a face that I instantly recognise and dread at the same time, Finn. Why is he here? He and Alex do not get on. I struggle to think when the last full moon was. Several days ago my mind whispers to me.

"Miss Collins, how lovely to see you again."


"Where is the birthday boy?"

"Off finding dinner I presume."

He continues to grin at me. His fangs bigger than mine or Alex's. 'Werewolves do not eat like we do.' Alex's words ring through my head.

"Still live by the three b code, does he?"


"Blonde, beautiful and busty."

He sips his drink which looks like blood but darker.

"Curious that he finds you and selects you as his mate."

My mind agrees with him.

"How have the dreams been going?" he says with a cheeky grin, knowing that every night since the meeting I have had dreams about him.

"You are a complete bastard; you know that?"

"I know. But my dreams are better than the nightmares, right?"

"How did you know about them?"

"I was in your mind, Stephanie, I see all that you have seen, right down to the reflection in the mirror, that luscious body of yours."

I instantly feel my cheeks heat up.

"You have no right to enter my mind without my permission."

"Maybe, but I am a man that does as he pleases."

"What happened to 'I will never stop pursing you?' I haven't seen you since that night. Just a one-night stand am I?"

"Never." concern strikes through his face. "I am sorry; we have been searching for Melody. Terrance has enlisted the wolf army to find her and of course yours truly had to lead them."


Miranda walks past us, seeing the both of us and says nothing, almost ignoring us. A feint smile crosses her face as she continues up the stairs towards the bedrooms.

"That was strange." Finn mutters barely audible.

"I agree."

I put my drink on the bar, Finn copies my actions, he follows me in her path towards the bedrooms.

Standing by the door, I can hear cries of pain, even over the loud music. Finn looks at me as he jiggles the door handle, locked. I try to call for Alex in my mind, but he cannot hear me or he is choosing not to my bitch of a mind tries to correct me. Finn slams his body against the door, smashing it open. What lies beyond the door is like something out of a horror movie.

Blood stains the once white bed sheets, Melody, who I instantly recognise by the scales forming on her legs is on top of Miranda, her chest cut open. Instantly Finn leaps at Melody and pins her to the wall, growling at her.

"Steph, close the door."

I do as he says and what follows is the most extraordinary experience of my life.

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