"Morning sparkles."

I could swear that the look on his face is one of less than impressed.

"Well, sparkles, when you stop copping a feel during the night, I will stop calling you sparkles."

I scratch him on the top of his head.

"At least you aren't using me for sex."

I languidly wander into the bathroom and have a shower. As the warm water flows over my body Tsar jumps up on the ledge and sits there grooming himself. Joint cleaning huh? I look down at the water and realise why I feel ill. Great, first official day on the job and I get my period. My head dizzies and the smell of blood fills my nostrils. I can hear my heart beat loud and fast. Tsar stops cleaning himself and watches me, his eyes darken to an emerald green. He jumps down from the ledge and leaves the room. I press up against the tiled wall as my body shivers, from my toes right up to the top of my head. My body slides down the tiles, slumping to the floor as I pass out.

I wake in my bed; Alex is sitting on the lounge reading a book. As I sit up he gets up from the lounge and walks over, sitting on the bed beside me.

"Welcome back."

My head thumps with an almighty headache.

"What happened?"

"You passed out in the shower."


"Well the good doctor seems to think it has something to do with... you know."

He gestures up and down at my body. Oh.

"That has never happened before."

He shrugs. "You are still young; your body is still developing. Now, the doctor and I were discussing your dietary habits and he has expressed concern. So, new rules. You will eat what is put in front of you, no complaining. The kitchen staff have a set menu prescribed by the doctor."


"Do I still get my steak?"

Alex rolls his eyes. "Yes so long as you eat the rest of the food on your plate." He kisses me on the head. "Rest today."

"Can you open the window please?"

"Sure." He gets up from the bed, opening one side of the window.

"My little silver perv might come back." I mutter as I roll over and fall asleep.

I wake to the sound of crockery clinking, I open my eyes and see Ingrid.

"Good evening Stephanie." She says warmly as she closes the window.

I begin to object but I see that Tsar has nestled himself right up against my body.

"Hello Ingrid."

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better."

"Who is your little friend?"

Tsar meows at her as she scratches his head.

"This is Tsar; I don't know where he has come from but he appears at the window every night."

"Oh." She says, her eyebrows raised with a little bit of astonishment.

Her hand instantly snaps back from the cat, her eyes show something strange. Concern maybe, no. This was embarrassment. Why? She cleared her throat and turned to the tray, fussing with the teapot.

"I have brought you some light refreshments before dinner. His highness has sent a message that he will join you shortly for dinner in your room tonight so that you don't have to leave your bed."

She smiles at me as she fluffs the pillows behind me.

"That really isn't necessary, I am sure I can make it to the dining room."

Jeez, they're all acting like my legs are broken. Her eyes flicker to the cat, slight worry shows in her face. As she passes me a cup of tea it rattles on the saucer, her hand shaking slightly.

"Of course. Would you like me to pass the message onto him?"

I can see Tsar looking at me. For a cat he certainly has a lot of facial expressions. This one is unimpressed.

"No, it is fine. I am sure I can put up with it for tonight."

"As you wish."

She quietly leaves the room, Tsar jumps off the bed and waits by the closed window, meowing at me.

"You know you could have just left before she shut the window."

I open the window and let him out, closing it again, the breeze too cold for me. Winter is starting early this year. The flowers in the garden outside my window look like they've been snap frozen, a dull haze settled around the trees in the distance. Dragging the curtains across I had hoped for some form of warmth but I doubt that would happen unless the curtains got a whole lot thicker. There is a knock at the door and I quickly dive back into bed. Alex sticks his head around the door as he opens it slowly.


"Hey, feeling better?"

"Much." I nod.

"Dinner will be here soon."

"Good, I am starving."

A Vampire's Life Book 1Where stories live. Discover now