“Look at you now. You’re wet.” He scolds me; his green eyes focused on the motion of his hand. He trashes the used crumpled tissue and grabs another heap of it, continuing the manner on my hair this time. I am trying my best not to smile, feeling ticklish inside. This would be the first time he would reach out for me. As much as I don’t want to put any colour to it, I just can’t help it.

“Here,” He puts the tissue box to my lap before darting his eyes to my wet shoulders. “Help yourself. I will turn up the heat. You might as well remove your jacket. You’re soaked.” He tells me, pressing several switches in his car while I comply on removing my wet jacket and throwing it at the back seat. Soon enough, the temperature inside his car is tolerably warmer now.

I wring out the little excess of water from my hair and continue wiping my shoulder with the tissue Harry handed to me. He now starts the engine and starts driving. I don’t even ask him where we’re headed. I just assume we’re going home.

He confuses me. After more than a week of ignoring, he’s now acting like we’re okay, just out of the blue.

The whole drive is covered with awkward silence. Harry is focused on driving but I can feel him glance at me once in a while. I, on the other hand, lean my head on the window, playing with several droplets sliding on the glass—just like what I was doing in the café before he called me up.

Pulling up to our flat, Harry then goes out of his seat with the umbrella in his hand. He runs around and halts to my side, opening up the door. I quickly grab my purse together with my jacket and climb off the car. He pulls me to his side, making sure I wouldn’t get wet from the rain.

The flat is dark and quiet, only Harry and my footsteps could be heard. I’ve been familiar around the area that I know where to hook my jacket and bag without the guidance of light. With the flick of the switch, the room is now lit and I quickly jump at the surprising chorus of the group of people in front of me.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VALERIE!” All our friends cheer and laugh at my startled reaction.

“Oh my gosh!” My words are muffled when I cover my gaping mouth. My eyes roam around the flying colourful confetti thrown at me. Eleanor, Louis, Niall, Liam, Sophia, Zayn, and Perrie are in our flat, holding a printed banner with my picture and scribbled words, ‘Happy 19th Birthday, Valerie!’

Harry appears on my side, wrapping me around his arm and kisses me at the side of my forehead. “Happy birthday, baby.” He tells me sweetly with his rough voice triggering shivers on my neck.

Before I could think, I kiss his lips and I lean my forehead against his as soon as we pull away. Then it hits me. All this is just an act for him. We’re pretending that we’re happy in front of our friends. But I push the thoughts aside and never pay attention to them when my friends start to huddle around and hug me.

“Thank you so much. I’m really surprised!” I giggle, wiping the little tears from the corners of my eyes.

I am indeed surprised. I didn’t even realize that it’s already October 7th. For the past years being away from home, I’ve never really gave importance to this date. I didn’t celebrate it. I treat it just like any ordinary day. I am not even sure if it’s my real birthday.

“Come on, guys. Let’s head to the dining room.” Harry instructs, never letting go of my trembling hands. I still can’t get over with the surprise and I am also delighted with Sophia’s presence. She’s the one I hugged the longest and tightest.

I don’t even remember telling them when my birthday is. I just thought it wasn’t important for them to know. I try to remember if ever just for once, it never rain on my birthday but I fail as I realize that it always do. I also think that it somewhat is connected to my cloudy personality.

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