Three months ago

"Why don't you just kill me? You pathetic waste of an alpha." That bastard sneered at me. A wicked smile graced my face as I picked up a knife and plunged it deep into Liam's leg. He howled in pain but didn't keep his mouth shut.

"You bastard! Just fucking kill me already. Your little beta already tortured Alice and threw her to the rouges. Do it to me already!" He growled before spitting in my face. An evil laugh escaped my mouth as I used my shirt to wipe the bloody spit off of my face.

"Here's the thing, you hurt my mate, I will not be going easy on you. What did you think? That after we found you that you'd just be thrown out of the pack and become a rouge? Ha, that is not how it will be going. You are going to regret ever breathing the same air as my mate. I will make sure of it. And that's a promise."

After I nearly killed him a good five times I gave him to a warrior of another pack. I gave him full range to do whatever he wanted to that thing. The way his eyes lit up with pure sadistic needs made me slightly creeped out, but he deserved it. He kept him for about a month before throwing him to rouges.

"Okay, that's good. If they start getting too close again you can attack. Don't cause any unneeded fights though. I just want this pack as safe as possible." I told the warriors. They all nodded in understanding before bringing up a few other topics we needed to discuss.

All of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my stomach area before my dads voice shouted in my head.

Ben's in labor!


I jumped up out of my seat and started running for the door.

"Ben's in labor!" I shouted causing Leo to jump up and run after me.

"Move Ben's in labor!"

"I'm about to be a dad!"

"I'm going to be a godfather. I'm going to be an uncle!"

"Fuck, move!"

Those were the only things heard throughout the entire pack house as Leo and I ran to the pack hospital. Every person quickly got out of our way when they heard what we were yelling. As we ran through the pack lands, and to the hospital, everyone was cheering for me but I heard none of it. My mate was about to give birth.

We both came bursting through the hospital doors and it was all chaotic. They weren't expecting Ben to go into labor for another couple of weeks. Before I knew what was going on, I was being shoved into a smock and hairnet and pulled into a room. Ben was laying on the bed panting and sweating. A small curtain was blocking his view of his stomach that was bare to the world.

"Hey gorgeous, how ya feeling?" I asked once I was next to him. He grabbed my hand and squeezed really really hard. I think I heard a bone break.

"How the hell do you think I feel?" He growled at me. Okay probably not the best question to ask someone about to give birth. Noted.

"Okay Luna can you feel this?" Alex asked. Ben smiled and whispered 'no' making Alex look over a lot a nurse.

"Okay alpha stay up by your mate. And whatever you do, do not look down here." The head doctor warned me with a deadly look in his eyes. If I looked down below the curtain Axel would probably freak out at him cutting our mate open. Even though it's to get our kids out he still would freak.

As Alex started the c-section I made sure to keep Ben calm. He was slightly worried and honestly so was I. Anything could go wrong and I'm pretty sure I would die of something did.

Alphas Little Omega Where stories live. Discover now