Chapter two

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I heaved myself off of Ashton's couch, thinking about all the fun we were having. We had just watched a movie and were about to bake a cake.

I strolled into his kitchen and saw him getting out the ingredients for a lemon drizzle cake! Yum!

"I am a professional chef so you have tough competition!" He bragged, holding his head up high!

"You wouldn't know a professional chef if he hit you in the face!" I retorted.

"Ooooooo, that burns," he said, pretending to cry. We both laughed!

"Ughhhhhhh, this apron was so hard to do up!" I moaned.

"Let me do it you dummy," he said, pulling me closer and turning me around. We were very close together... Why did I like that?


Ash and I eyed the baking lemon drizzle cake that was in front of us, telepathically arguing over who got the first slice.

I went for it, just as he grabbed the flour. I looked at him questioningly. What was he doing? Before I could react, he tipped it over me! I gasped and shook my head wildly, trying to get it off. Phew ran into the hall just as I grabbed the eggs! He covered his face and hair with his hands but I had good aim! The egg spattered all over his face!

He laughed uncontrollably but then tried to put on a straight face as he presented to sob.

I cleansed myself up with a cloth and wiped the worktop with Ashton. He was still giggling. He was so cute, especially when he laughed. 'Stop it Rosalie!' I scolded myself in my head. I can't think of him like that. He doesn't like me back and even if he did, I couldn't let myself like him. Because if we broke up it would ruin our relationship. But he is exactly like he used to be all those years ago. Handsome, nice, sweet and so very very cute!

"Well," Ashton said, interrupting me from my thoughts, "I better go get changed!"

"Yeh, I should go as well, I have to go see my parents,"

"But whyyyyyyyyy," he whined, grabbing my arm.

"I'm sorry Ash, I have to," I giggled.

"Fine," he huffed. But he couldn't keep a poker face and he ended up laughing! As he was pulling me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around him.

"See you soon Ash. I will text you tonight," I said into his shoulder.

"You had better!" He retorted playfully. I collected my stuff and gave him another hug goodbye. Why did I feel electricity surging through me every time he touched me? Why did I like it when we were close together? I have told myself I can't like him like that. But what if he did feel it too?

"Goodbye Ash," I beamed at him "Thankyou for a lovely day."

"It's okay, I'm just the nicest person you could meet! Then we both started giggling.


I started the engine of my red Mercedes and it revved as I pulled out of the driveway. It doesn't take long to get to my parents so I was there in no time! I locked my car and headed for the steps leaving up to the doors. After knocking on the door, my mum shouted from inside "It's open sweetie!"

"Hi mum, hi dad," I waved at them, wiping my feet on the carpet in the hall.

"How are you getting along with your astronomy at uni?" She asked nicely.

"Great thanks mum, it's been a while since I saw you guys," I replied, walking into the hitches where mum was preparing dinner and dad was on his phone. We are quite an up - to - date family with technology! I hugged them both, smiling into their shoulders. I missed them loads in my little flat, and often didn't get to see them much. However, at least I'm getting a good education and a good degree!

"We are having a roast dinner tonight, especially for you!" Mum smiled.

"Aw, thank you mum," I returned her smile gratefully.



So, what did you think of dis chapter? I would really appreciate it if you could comment what I should do better and also vote. Thanks... iLy PeAsEnTs! I don't think this chapter is amazing... However, I did try xD xP so........ Yeh! Please vote and comment my furry friends. Lyyyyy

~ L x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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