He looks so perfect

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Chapter one - Awkward

***** Rosalie's P.O.V *****

I stumbled around the sweaty bodies, helplessly trying to find Georgia. Erghhhhhhh, where the hell was she?

I was really, seriously drunk. I thought I was going to pass out. So, being the smartass I am, I was right! My vision blurred and darkness encased me in unconsciousness.

A cold, wet cloth was pressed to my forehead and I started to regain my ableness to see. Was it... Could it be? Really? It was Ashton!

We used to be best friends in middle school. He was so cute back then! But we sort of grew apart after we had a massive fight and just went our separate ways. However, I suppose I do miss him, or maybe just having a friend to rely on...

He had grown up too much since middle school! He hadn't just gotten taller and more muscular. But his cheekbones are more defined, his wild hair finally isn't tamed and a bandana was tied loosely around it. But the one thing that hadn't changed... His gorgeous little dimples. I used to poke them and tease him about how cute he was so he used to run away to the end of the playground and I would chase after him like a mad thing...

"Are you okay?" He asked, interrupting me from my thoughts as worry cracked in his low voice. He was trying to act like he didn't care, however, it wasn't working.

"I'm fine. Thanks for helping me Ash," the words tumbled out of my mouth before I thought about them! I tensed and so did he, his arm retracted a little bit from my waist and I tried to sit up, failing miserably. I hadn't called him that since middle school!

"Sorry," we said at the same time. Wow, could this get any more awkward? He helped me to stand and gave me a small smile, his dimpled not showing. I smiled back even though it felt weird to look at him, because all I see is change.

"Haven't seen you in a while," I stated. Oh god, well done Rosalie, you made things more awkward than ever.

"Yeah, it's been ages, 7 years... So your nineteen?" He asked. Well obviously!

"Yeah, I am," I replied with a small smile playing on the edges of my lips.


We talked for a while after that. It actually wasn't that awkward! We arranged to meet up at his house tomorrow. And I was quite excited; I had forgotten how funny and nice he actually was.

***** The next day *****

I woke up at 1:00pm with a. MASSIVE hangover, however, I had to get up! It was hard but I did it and tried to think positive thoughts. I had one and a half hours to be ready. Plenty of time! I hopped in the shower and let the hot water cascade down my body. I washed my hair and got out within 10 minutes. A new record! I am notorious for taking ages in the shower. I just really like showers! I turned my straighteners on as I blow dryer my curly hair. My hair has always been curly, when it's left naturally, my light blonde locks fall into ringlets. I do like my hair, but sometimes I like to change it. My straighteners were hot enough so I sat down on my white dressing table and straightened it in the mirror. Once I was done, I gripped up my side fringe and grabbed my make-up bag.

I went for more of a natural look with foundation, a bit of blusher, mascara and a pale lipstick. I went over to my wardrobe to inspect my clothes. I really need to go shopping! I picked out some high waisted denim shorts (as it was a hotter summer than usual in Malibu and I had lost a lot of weight) a cap sleeved, tight fitting black crop top, a baby pink, light knit pullover, and some Grecian, brown sandals. Keeping my jewellery to a minimum, I was only going to wear my Pandora bracelet and my small Rosalie necklace. I was ready! I grabbed my phone, some money and an apple and headed out the door of my small flat.



This is my first story and my first chapter!!!!!! So if you have any advice about chapters and what you want to happen, Just comment! Please vote!!! Please please please! I don't know if this chapter is long or short or good or bad. What do you think? Should I make them longer or shorter? Was it a good chapter? Love you guys,

~ L

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