Chapter 31

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After Mabel ran all around the flat ground before the shack, we all beginn to walk in. Ducky had a good spot on Fords head and fell asleep while we walked in.

As we arrive in the shack we let Mabel go upstairs with our sleeping Ducky in her arms.

"Good night gruncle Ford and (Y/N)." She yawns and goes her way.

I smile and step into the livingroom. Stan puts off the TV and stands up.

"Welp, that means I am going to bed too. Good night you two." He waves his hand slightly and goes upstairs.

Because of his lack of appereance I assume that Dipper already went to bed, while we were away.

"I think I'll go and sleep as well, ok?" I look at Ford. His response is a simple nod.

I smile and leave him there standing alone. Arriving at my room I make myself ready for bed and jump into my bed, chuckling slightly. I am around 50, but still the little sunshine from 40 years ago.

-time skip presented by Athor Chan-


I scoot up from my sleep and look around. I tense up. It reminds me of something...

I stand up and silently put my ear onto the door.

"You idiot! Now you woke everyone!" A strange, bit familiar voice says.

"We still have our guns if something will go wrong." A darker voice says calmly.

Both voices are right in front of my room.

"We need to move quick!" The one familiar voice says.

Then a sudden try turn on my door knob. I scare of course and back away. Luckily the door stays shut.

"Dang door!" The voice says again.

I walk over to my shelves and grab the candle handle.

The next turn of the door knob opens my door and I rush behind it before the two stranger see me.

They both walk to the bed leaving the door out of sight.

I quickly run out and step onto some glasshards. I don't even turn around and still run silently as possible downstairs.

'Shit who are those guys... and why are the one so familiar to me?'

I see a peace of paper lying around on the sofa. Being as smart as possible I take the paper and write something down. As soon as I hide the paper and turn around I see the two enter the room and running toward me. Everything goes black and I just hope they haven't seen me writing something down or where I hid it.

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