A bubble of positiveness :)

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When life drowns you, do you ever look up at the sky and see a sky full of stars,
But do you see how the noise pollution has taken over the beauty,
Do you see how depression has taken over your happiness and don't quit now because you're made out of lava and you haven't found your water yet,
Something just like water that turns your fierce demons into ash,
So keep flowing down the mountain until you meet a river that's calm from the outside and magical from the inside,
A river that washes your sins away and calms your nerves and as you both find each other you'll feel like you've known them forever,
After all fire dies when in water but it's still not the end of you,
It's your beginning..you turn into rich soil and you'll start to grow flowers near the river just to make her smile;
                             - Aloka Wijesinghe

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