I'd be dead by now..

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I should give up writing about people and their smiles,

My feelings and their pride,

I'm trying to make this rhyme but instead I hide,

I hide behind these walls,

Higher than the great Chinese wall,

I should stop writing mom once said,

No penny you'd earn for a single word,

No penny I need cause these words are worthless and here I am jobless writing words to cure my depression,

My good old friend thinks he's a god,

But he is nothing less than a goat chomping on my memories like grass,

What would I know,

I'd be dead if I had firearms in my place,

I'd be dead if I had arsenic but instead I have memories,

Memories that torture me slowly by slowly,

Reminding me of that one embarrassment and where the abuse got more unpleasant,

No presents I need for Christmas but please tell depression to take a holiday,

And never come back,

I'm already feeling empty- empty like a giant well,

Feeling-less but grades are more important,

No penny you'll earn and no love you will earn,

But silly people..they don't know that the only reason,

I write is to stop my depression

                              - Aloka Wijesinghe

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