Chapter 2

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Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.
Similar is the case with Swara, who even fears to sleep on her queen sized bed in her own house. Fear and loneliness are directly propotional to each other. The more the loneliness the more the fear.

Swara Kapoor, a girl who once was scared of loneliness and loved to be surrounded by people, now thinks as if she is stranded on an Island. The moment she closes her eyes, she thinks that the isolation around is gonna eat her and this results in her taking high doses of sleeping drugs so she can seize some inner peace and float in a beauty sleep where a prince will come to kiss her and wake her up.
No morning is beautiful until and unless we got a good sleep last night, bcz if it’s not so then the bright rays of the scorching sun will definitely haunt us. Fighting with the bright light disturbing her sleep Swara tried to open her eyes only to shut them again as tightly as she can. Her FIRST & WORST NIGHTMARE is there standing in front of her crossing his arms on his chest with devilish smirk playing on his lips.

Swara: ‘How did u get in?’ Swara said with rage burning the whole of her body.
FWN(First and Worst Nightmare 😜😜): ‘Baby instead of asking why I came u r asking how I came? But the thing is whatever u ask I’ll only answer what I want to. And so the answer to the question I wanted you to ask is that I came here because u didn’t answered my calls last night.’ He said and slowly slowly anger consumed him.
Swara without thinking for once unlocked her cell and started to search her call log and found more than 51 from just one number.
‘Swara answer me why didn’t u picked my calls. Did u found someone else?’
Swara who was on the verge of crying disgusted listening this. ‘See Nikhil u wanted to destroy my life and u successfully did it. Now I m not answerable to u in any situation. And if u dont get out of here the very moment I will shout the hell out of my larynx and u r going to face the consequences’
‘Ohh so fish is trying to escape the net, but don’t worry babe soon u r gonna regret to do this’ saying this he left and Swara sat down crying.

Swara’s chain of thought broke when she heard Ragini entering her room looking very worried.
‘What happened Gini? Why r u looking so worried?’
‘U tell what happened? What that man was doing here and how did u let him in?’
‘I don’t know how he entered’

‘Swara! Take care bro. U know na u live alone and if someone sees this boy going out of ur house this early morning then…. U know what I mean na? I don’t care what they think but the thing is if this actually happens than they’ll make ur life hell. I don’t know ur past and I don’t even want to know but I surely don’t want ur past to effect ur present and future. U understand naa??’
‘Yeah Gini I understood. I’ll take care next time. Ok now tell for what u came so early in the morning?’
‘Ohh yeah. I came here to tell u that someone wrote that Sanskar Malhotra is handing over his all business to his younger brother Laksh Malhotra. I don’t know if it’s true or not but if it is than what will happen to your job Shoney if u lose ur job then?’

‘Ragini see! all these are rumours and if something was there than Sanskar would’ve told me.’
‘OMG Swara in one day Sir is tranferred to Sanskar, not bad han.’
Swara’s lips curled up hearing this which Ragini mistakenly noticed and the killer smirk playing on her face is a sign of upcoming troubles for swara.

‘Swara come out from ur dreamland yrrr. If u want I can somehow talk to him.’ Ragini teased her.
‘Shut up Gini. Ok now go I need to get ready. I don’t wanna be late on my second day.’
‘Yeah sure I m going waise bhi I’ve an interview today.’
‘WHAT? U didn’t even told me. I m ur bestfriend Gini.’
‘Common Swara u can scold me later for now wish me luck.’
‘All the best.’
‘Ok bye. See u soon’
‘May I come in.’
‘You may Swara’
After settling on seat.
‘Sanskar u called me?’
‘Yeah Swara woh I wanted u to meet my brother Laksh Malhotra. He is joining from today and I want u to be familiar with him.’
‘Sure Sanskar.’

‘Knock Knock’.
‘Come in.’ Sanskar said wondering he didn’t called anyone then who is this non invited guest but as soon as he saw who’s there he went to him and holding his hand made both of their ways to the couch and started talking.
‘Laksh I was waiting for u only’
‘Yeah Bhai say.’
‘She is Swara (pointing towards Swara) my P.A and Swara he is Laksh my brother.’
‘Hello sir.’ Swara said hoping a warm reply.
‘Hello Swara. U can call me Lucky as everyone calls me .’

‘Sure Laksh… I mean Lucky’
‘Ok if u both are done then we may proceed towards our work. Hmm?’

‘Bhai m not gonna work like this. It’s so unfair.’ Laksh said entering the cabin.
‘Why what happened Lucky?’
‘Bhai it’s so exhausting. I am working alone and u have a P.A to shoulder more than half of ur responsibilities. I also want a P.A.’
‘Lucky waise toh I don’t trust that u worked so much and u r exhausted but I also thought to appoint a P.A for u. I’ll find one for u.’
‘Thanks bhai love u.’
‘Swara they rejected me yrr.’ Gini said making a crybaby face.
‘Why Ragini what happened?’
‘They told that they found someone more talented than me.’ Only Swara knew how much her best friend wanted this job.
‘But don’t worry I was called an hour before saying me to show up for the interview of a P.A’
‘Wow that’s great which company?’

‘Yeah thank u. Ok Swara now I should leave now I need to prepare for the interview.’ Ragini rushed out ignoring the question.

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