Chapter 1

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'Maaaa' screams a terrified Swara waking up from her horrible dream. Perspiration running down her face and eyes filled with uncountable heavy tears. Looking around as if examining the room, and taking a painful sigh realising no one was there to witness that fearful scene, she stepped out of her bed and with difficult steps reached the kitchen of her 3 bedrooms well-furnished home.
'Yeah it's only left well-furnished' her mind taunted.
Shushing her nonsense thoughts down she wondered what's wrong in them. 'Obviously this house can only be called well-furnished because no one's there-excluding me ofcourse- to spoil my not so lovely home.' (monologue)
Now finally deciding to divert her mind she made her way towards the washroom because she was sure no one will be at fault because of her thoughts except her.
After getting ready in a pink kurti with navy blue jeans, she took her destination to Malhotra Enterprises where her destiny was waiting for her.

"Knock knock"
'May I come in Sir?' Asked a nervous Swara almost banging the door of-if she's lucky enough- her new boss's cabin who is not giving a damn to her from the last 15 minutes. 'As if I don't exist' she thought.
'U may come in' came a way too polite voice from inside the cabin which took her breaths away.
Making herself presentable she stepped inside the cabin.
'Good morning Ms. Kapoor'
'Morning Sir' said Swara realizing that this young man sitting infront of her claiming to be her boss is not so rude like the previous one.
'I m sorry to make u wait for so long Ms. Kapoor but I was busy in an imp. phone call.'
'It's ok sir, waise bhi I was way too restless to meet my new boss' said Swara which made him chuckle.
'So Ms. Kapoor as my secratary appointed u as my P.A then u must know my routine.'
'Sure sir'

'So here we go with the list............' (I don't know anything about offices and all). 'So Ms. Kapoor as it's ur first day here u can take ur time to get adjusted with the environment.'
'Sure sir. But sir I wanted a favour from u'
'Go ahead'
'Sir can u call me Swara?' Although it's a bit unprofessional but I will feel comfortable if we will make a friendly relationship' she said all this crossing fingers behind her back.
'Than for u it's Sanskar, only Sanskar. Ok?' said Sanskar who, from the moment Swara entered his cabin was lost in her face felt like a kid in a candy store buying all his favourite candies :p.
'Sure si... I mean Sanskar. Now I'll take a leave.'
'How was ur first day at office Swara?' Ragini came rushing to her when she was about to enter the house.
'It was good Gini. Come let's have a talk!'

'So how is ur new boss?' Ragini asked sipping her favourite black coffee prepared by Swara.
'God Ragini what do u want to hear? U r asking the same question third time, and I m repeatedly saying that he is nice, he is nice, he is nice' Swara said being irritated.
'Oho Swara I am asking this question again n again because I m not asking about how was his nature, I am asking about his looks n was he really the same way which these not so good magazines describe?' Ragini asked clearing her point of view.
'Ragini r u having STML?'

'Swara I think ur first day experience was very bad u even forgot that it's HTML not STML?'
'Ragini I m talking about STML only. STML = Short Term Memory Loss'
'Oh. Nopes, I m not having any STML' Ragini said making wierd faces. 'But why r u asking?'
'I m asking because u were the only one spamming about the great Sanskar Malhotra from the day when u came to know that I m appointed as his P.A. "Swara I m telling u that his one look will make u drool over him". Said Swara imitating Ragini.
'Ok Ok but y r u getting so hard on me man. Chill bro. I think u r tired take some rest. Meet u tomorrow. Bye have a good night dreaming about ur new boss' Ragini teased.
'Shut up Ragini. Bye'

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