Again, I smirked and kicked him. I spit at his face and told him "Mercy? Sorry... that's one of the things that I don't have. Spare you all? I won't do that. Remember, I wanna see corpses burned in flames." I grabbed his hair and I punched his face.

When I got tired I let him go and fixed my uniform's coat and tie. "Stop." I told my gangmates and they did that. "Finish it."

The other members took the gas from outside and the rest, they putted the bodies of the WhatsoeverUgly gang members in the middle of the place. Some of them are now dead but most of them are alive.

They spilled the gas around the place. They spilled the gas in the other gang's members. They gave me the Lighter and I went to the gangs leader, The Fat Ass.

"Bye bye." I opened the lighter and I saw the red flame. Again, I looked at the Fat Ass and his other members. I smiled and let go of the silver Lighter. It fell right on top of the leader.

I turned around and walked outside the hide out.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" I heard the endless shout inside the hide out. I didn't bother turning my head. But I know that my members are behind me.

I stopped.

"*Sob* *Sob* You... you... YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!!!" A girl was pointing a gun at me.

"Yeah, so?" 

"Why? Why did you kill him?!!!" she shouted.

"Put the gun down girl." Derp face demanded.

"No... No... NO! NO! NO!!!!" she pulled the trigger.


That was the last thing I heard and everything went black.

"Uuuuuuuugh" I held my head that was now hurting as Hell. I opened my eyes. There I saw a big Tree. Just beside it was a back of a girl. She has shoulder level hair and she is wearing a white dress. That's all I know cause I only see her back.

I sat down and was about to speak when she turned around and looked at me. When she saw me awake, she smiled and said. "Atlast you're awake!!!!"

"So?" I quickly replied when she told me that. 

She pouted. That was VERY annoying. =_=

"I don't know you, but I'll still tell you this girl. Stop doing that freakin' pouting or I'll pull lips and cut it." I told her seriously. 

She continued that f*ckin' pout. And the annoyance that I'm feeling tripled. Didn't she know that I'm hella serious about cutting her lips?! Damn her for annoying me.

"I told you to stop that f*cking pouting..." I looked intently into her eyes. "or else..."

"You sure got a foul mouth there Baekkie..."

WTH?!!!! Did she called me that hell of a name?!!!! 

"What the F*ck?!! Don't call me that you sh*t!!" I shouted. "What the H..." I didn't finish my sentence cause she sealed my lips with her pointing finger.

"Shhhhhhh... you're in HIS land and you're saying those unlikely words? Please stop it." she pleaded.

I moved her finger away from my mouth and told her. "I.DON'T.CARE." 

Unlike before her eyes are now sad. "Do... do... do you not believe in HIM?" she asked.

I stood up. "Who?"

"HIM. The one who created everything in this world. Don't you believe him?"

"Hahahahahaha... you mean... that guy called... what was his name again? If I'm right it's... God?"

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