Chapter 3: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey. I was waiting for your call." Amelia answers cheerily.

"Is that so? Kind of makes me feel special." Maxie teases. She scans the hall to see the other girl walking her way.

"Maybe that's what I wanted to make you feel." The brown haired girl says back.

"If I didn't know any better, I think you like me miss Amelia." Maxie waits for green eyes to find hers and she smiles when it does. She hangs up as Amelia nears her.

"Hey you. Glad to see you made it." The brown haired girl smiles at her making her reciprocate it.

"Of course." Maxie replies. "Here you go my lady." She offers the phone with a little bow getting a giggle from the other girl.

"My hero." Amelia teases getting the phone from her hands. "And here you go. I promised I didn't snoop so your privacy is safe." Maxie laughs taking the phone.

"Too bad. I snooped around." She teases and sees green eyes widen. "Kidding. I'm kidding." She smiles as a glare is sent her way. "Although I did just took the liberty to save my number on your phone. In case something like this happens again." She smirks.

"Oh. Yeah. Good thinking." Amelia stutters. "I also saved my number." This is the first time Maxie sees the girl looking shy. "In case you want to hang out and all." She adds making the raven haired girl grin.

"I'd love to hang out sometime." Maxie tells her and Amelia smiles softly at her. "Well you know where to find me. I better get going." She starts walking to the door.

"Wait." Amelia calls out making her stop in her tracks. She waits for the girl to say anything and watches her fidget. "I- Thank you. You really didn't have to come over and give me my phone back. Although me having your phone is one of the reason you came here." Amelia rambles making Maxie smile fondly at her. "I could have just gone to the bar and gave you your phone."

"Now where would be the fun in that?" Maxie cuts her off. "Besides if it means seeing such a cutie like you, I wouldn't mind it." She smirks at the blush on Amelia's cheeks.

"How about some drinks? Tonight at the bar you work in?" Amelia quickly suggests and Maxie really can't say no.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Maxie teases knowing full well it'll make the girl blush and it did. She listens as Amelia stammers to explain it's her way of saying thanks. Maxie laughs shaking her head and takes pity. "Relax Amelia. I'm just teasing you." She smiles. "A drink will be great. See you tonight." With that she waves goodbye and walks out of the office.

Maxie arrives back at the bar with a shit-eating grin Lori greeting her. She sighs and decides to keep her face void of emotions as she takes her place behind the bar top.

"So I'm guessing it went well?" Lori asks nonchalantly as Maxie examines her phone. "I see you have your phone back." Maxie ignores her as she looks up Amelia's contact, wishing that she has a photo of the girl. Suddenly her phone is snap away from her hands and into Lori's whose face light up. "So there is development in your relationship. Are you going to see her again soon?" Her friend teases and Maxie rolls her eyes, snatching her phone back.

"Yes. Tonight. I'm seeing her tonight." Maxie smiles smugly at the surprised look on Lori's face. "Don't worry I won't let you work alone tonight." Maxie adds smirking as she hears her friend grumble under her breath.

Amelia arrives at the bar just 30 minutes after 7 to see the place bustling. She scans the area to find the raven haired girl and spots her waving at her at the table far away from the bar top. She smiles and makes her way to her friend? Acquaintance? She's not particularly sure what to call Maxie.

"You made it." Maxie tells her. "I was beginning to think you ditched me." The girl adds jokingly as she takes a seat on the opposite side of the table.

"How can I? I wouldn't ditch a.." she trails off and sees Maxie smiles in amusement.

"A friend. I think after switching phones, we can call each other friends." A wink is sent her way and Amelia blushes and chuckles. She can't tell why she's comfortable being with Maxie but she's not about to overthink this blossoming friendship. She waves a server and orders her drink before turning back to her companion.

The night goes by smoothly, Amelia feels herself relax for the first time in well in a while really. She has been so caught up with work that she usually declines invitations from her friends for a night out. Right now she's laughing at some of Maxie's antics back when she was a student.

"So how did you get into bartending? It's quite far from your degree." She asks taking a sip of her cocktail. Maxie smiles fondly and it's such a beautiful look on her that she can't help but smile as well.

"Well I wanted to try it out, you know extra income and when I told mom and dad about it they agreed. So one day I just walked around to find anyone hiring and I saw this place. I applied and well, here I am now." Maxie recalls sipping her beer. "But I started from being a server before getting trained by Lori." She points to the girl flipping bottles at the bar table. Amelia smiles before looking back at Maxie. "How about you? How did you get into being an events manager?" The girl asks taking a french fry into her mouth. Amelia can't help but grimace at that, staring at her drink before deciding to tell her story.

"Being the youngest out of 3 children, mom wanted me to follow in her footsteps since my brother and sister didn't. So when I was in high school she keeps bringing me to events that she organized. Basically grooming me." She pauses and glances at her companion who is listening intently. "Then she made me organize my first event and I seem to have a knack of it. Here I am now." She finishes with a smile. "Kinda boring huh?" She asks laughing nervously and sees the raven haired girl shake her head.

"For what it's worth, I think you're an awesome events manager. I can tell from just the 2 events I attended that you put together." Maxie tells her sincerely with a genuine smile that makes Amelia blush.

"Thanks. It means a lot to me." Amelia says. "I want to make a name of my own one day and not just be my mom's daughter." She states.

"You will one day. You're on that path now." Maxie reassures her which she's thankful for.

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