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After what happened I trapped myself in my room. Koishe brought everything from my study down. My room was a jumbled cluttered mess now. Koishe worried about me but I brushed her off. After the first week she gave up. Not even bringing her children phased me. I had placed myself inside a cage, physically and emotionally.

Day in and day out I worked furiously. A blank face with heavy black bag under the eyes replaced my own. For I had grown tired of anger and grew sickly fond of the numbness or depression. Rin had tried to come and comfort me. All she got was a blank face, tears and silence. Then slowly I lost my appetite. Was I slowly choosing to end myself? If I was doing so to end HIM wasn't on my mind.

My phone was constantly playing soothing music, if not that it was the flute. Yet the bliss and serenity never came to me. I worked on and on despite my weakness. I was starting to wonder what the point was? Why was I doing this? Why was I here? Why didn't my mom just kill me? Yet, I carried on with training. The burning white sun, it was large and all encompassing yet its light didn't shine through. It's light filtered through my mental state becoming a bleak grey. I felt at times it's warmth would devour me. My insides would start to feel like they were melting.

I was staring at the walls, my eyes burned with the need to sleep. Yet I couldn't do it. I couldn't sleep anymore. It was going on three days now. How did I fall so low? I was just about to change the song my phone was playing when the aura of someone I just couldn't deal with arrived. I put a hex on my door before he could reach it. That door was now sealed shut. Glued tight to the door frame.

He tried to open it by force. He gave up quickly though, only to shove his clawed hand through it. I didn't have the energy to even be startled. He completely destroyed the door then bent down to pick up a tray. He entered the room, his aura was angry.

"Eat." He demanded placing the tray in front of me. It was filled with all of my favorites. My stomach growled loudly but my mouth and limbs wouldn't comply. Eating was a waste of energy now.

'No.' I whispered into his mind.

"You are weak. Eat. You may be gaining power but your body cries out to be fed." He demanded again.

'Go away.' I sighed.

"No. You are wither away to nothing." He said stubbornly.

'I still take up space.' I blinked at him my eyes were so foggy. He was a tad blurred. I felt like utter shit, he wasn't helping. 'You fear you'll die upon my own death.' I concluded.

"I won't die because of another's weakness." He seethed. I blinked at him again and didn't reply. He was saying the truth. I was weak. He growled and sat down beside me. Before I could comprehend what was happening he had shoved a piece of meat into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and covered my mouth with his other hand. "Chew." He demanded.

My temper flared and I swallowed the meat whole and in a way that would make me start to choke. I tried not to fight by coughing. My chest expanded and contracted in my struggle. I felt my face go red as oxygen was deprived.

He retracted his hands and slapped my back forcefully. The meat lodged in my throat was hurried out and landed on a scroll on my desk. I inhaled deeply and cringed as the hair at the back of my skull was gripped tightly. He jerked me towards him forcing me to look him in the eye.

"Get over you senseless self loathing." He growled.

'Maybe...I'm wish to die just to see you die as well.' I pointed out. He was at a boiling point here, in fact be was boiling over. It was evident on his face as his eyes bleed red. His marks became jagged and teeth sharpened. 'What can you do? Not even you can force a horse to drink from a stream.' I grated. He pushed me away and left. I flicked my wrist and my door fixed itself. I then grabbed the tray and opened my widow to throw it all out.

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