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The two days passed slowly for me. I was always edgy or just plainly angry with the presence of Sesshomaru about. Then, he slipped out of heat, his eyes and markings went back to their usual selves. The second he was clear minded he stood up and glared down at me.

"Not like you were the one rapped, don't give me that glare." I muttered darkly carving the delicate runes into my stick.

"I told you to leave, you didn't listen. You're lose of virginity was your own doing." He bit in an icy tone.

"So was you being claimed by me as a familiar. And eye for an eye......asshole." I muttered darkly. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to kill me right then and there. 'Don't worry, the feeling is mutual.' I said through our link. Waves of anger, frustration and indignity rolled off of him.

I finished the carvings and blew the sawdust away from the stick. I got up, shouldered my bag and saddled my stick. I let my angry indifference and utter loathing smack into his psyche. "Rin and Jake are expecting us, Milord." I spat. I then took to the skies and was immediately surprised by the speed. My hair whipped around so much it slapped my face. I had to keep a tight gripped on the stick.

I was at the village in a matter of minutes. I landed beside a rice field where Rin, Jake, Kagome and Inuyasha walking towards the forrest. I blinked a few time having to hop on one foot because of the impact.

"LADY HELENA!" Rin exclaimed seeing me. I

"Hello Rin, Jaken, Kagome, Inuyasha. Lovely day were having." I said getting off my stick. With a smile, so good to be in good company again.

"What happened to your broom?" Rin asked.

"I broke it in a landing accident." I muttered feeling Sesshomaru land behind me. Immediately both Rin and Jaken rushed to his side. It made me sick. Usually it would make me smile but now...I WAS APPALLED!

"Oh no, are you okay? Did you break something? Would you like me to check you out?" Kagome asked in concern.

"No no, I am fine. It's a miracle I didn't get too hurt honestly. Just a scrap here, a bruise there. Nothing too bad really." I said.

"Keh, clumsy witch." Inuyasha scoffed.

"Rude pup." I shot back.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded.

"What about her? Why is it always me?" He asked pointing a finger at me.

"Because you're the one who starts it!" Kagome huffed.

"Helena, you're going to get left behind." Rin called. They were already receding into the forest when I looked back. I sighed heavily and looked back at Kagome.

"Are you okay? There's something off about you." Kagome asked peering into my eyes.

"I am fine, don't concern yourself about me. Have a good day you two. I will surely visit again soon. Next time I'll stick around for a bit." I promised.

"Okay then, see you then but if you need to talk about something don't be shy okay?" Kagome said.

"Alright!" I forcibly chipped back putting on a happy face. I then got back on my stick and slowly floated to join the others. I had to really keep my stick from zooming off. But I caught up and lagged behind in the back. Rin and Jake were blabbering about what they did. The went back and fourth, of course Jaken was mostly complain.

Both me and Sesshomaru listen with mild interest. We walked on like we usually did and made a camp for when night arrived. Too soon did Rin and Jaken fall asleep. Me and Sesshomaru ignored each other. Then again, it was more like I avoided looking at him. I found myself insanely pissed. I wanted to walk over and smack the fucking markings on his face.

I calmed myself by thinking of the two artifacts I must obtain. Then there was the ritual for Rin. Seeing as I wasn't going to sleep any time soon I crawled over to her. I cut my finger and rolled her head towards me gently. I drew an eye on her for head and pressed my head to hers.

"I offer you my holy powers innocent maiden. Take these powers and use them on your holy endeavors. Forever in the name of our Lord, Amen." I spoke in English. Then I added a song into the ritual wanting to giver her an extra kick in the right place.

"As I survey the chaos and lack of raw humanity. It's as if the entire world's fallen in love with their own insanity! Hear the innocent voices scream as their tormentor laughter through it all. No forgiveness for all I've seen, a degradation I can't forget. So sleep soundly in your beds tonight. Judgement comes for you at first light!" I sang softly feeling my power and knowledge pull from me into her. When I pulled away I was light headed.

"What did you do?" Sesshomaru asked softly.

"Gave her a gift. I gave her my spiritual powers." I answered leaning back. It felt like my body was moving in waves. Like my body was a water surface someone casted a rock into. It wasn't a horrible feeling but it wasn't pleasant either.

"Why?" He asked.

"For her own good." I said giving him a flat look. He didn't say anything after that. So I mediate with the sole purpose of heightening my lighter powers.  I didn't know how I was going to be able to go to Russia. Sesshomaru wasn't going to be too keen on following me. Sure I can run off but being too far is....unpleasant. I was going to have to find a away around it I supposed. I'd be damned to ask him to come like I needed him to be there. I wasn't going to show that the bond was effecting me. I was going to use it to torture him.

The birds chipping was my only clue Dawn was approaching. I didn't feel tired in the least bit. That must be a perk from gaining my true familiar while he's living. I opened my eyes and searched for breakfast. By the time Rin and Jaken woke up I had it ready for them. We ate quickly then started walking once more.


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