1.Chocolate Muffin

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"Calum just stay here while we get our orders" Luke said walking away with Ashton and Michael behind him.

"Don't tell me what to do" I mumbled looking away from them. Today was our day off before our London show that starts in a few days, so why not start it off with some coffee?

Looking around the place, I noticed it was just us, a couple feeding each other muffins. Dang I should have asked for a chocolate muffin with my coffee. Looking around once more I saw a girl sitting near the window with her head focused on her coffee. There's a part of me where I want to find out, but I don't want to seem like a total stranger.

It's worth a try right?

Getting up from my seat, I walked slowly and carefully towards her making sure I don't scare her one bit. Closer and closer I felt this weird jittery feeling inside of me that was getting stronger as I approach.

"Ahh..eh...umm" I coughed awkwardly "Is this seat taken?" I asked nervously holding onto the booth opposite from her. Waiting for her response, I saw her head move up a bit before bringing it back down. So she must be a shy ones?

"Umm..n-no..it's...fine..go ahead" She stuttered still not making eye contact with me. I abruptly took the seat and made sure Im right across from her. As much as I was staring at her,I noticed so many things about her. 

She has long brown hair that must be up to her waist because most of it's on the table showing her purple dip dyed tips.

That's punk rock, like I know what punk rock is.

I noticed how she held the hot cup of coffee with her pale hands like it was the last thing she owned.

"Hey there! Im Calum" I said trying to break the awkward tension between us. She looked up from her coffee and I can tell you something, she has the most amazing eyes,well aside from Lukes.

"Umm..hi I-I'm Violet" Her voice sounded so angelic yet so fragile.

"What brings you here on this cold day in London Violet?" I asked pretending I was a holding a mic towards her getting the latest.

"If you must know Calum, Im just here contemplating on life. You know the usual" She said giggling at her answer. I noticed how her eyes light up when she laughs and I wish they could stay like that forever.

"How would I know the usual if we just met" I said raising an eyebrow towards her.

"Well, you have no excuse not to know now" she said staring back at me with those amazing brown eyes.
"That's true Now I have no excuse to not kno-" And here's when the comfortable atmosphere disappeared

"Where were you Vi?" in came a man who looked to be in his 20's walking up to Violet with a worried look. I guess he didnt notice me since his eyes were directly towards her.

"I-I was getting coffee an-"

"Come on we're going home" Who knew those words would make her skin paler than it was before

"Come on Violet we need to go" his words sensed anger an annoyance and I knew i had to go in.

"Youre not making her do anything. she can do whatever she wants" I said standing up making sure i was in front of violet at all times.

"Who's this fucker Vi? Another one of your prince charming boys youre gonna fuck afterwards? You cant do this Vi we're getting married remember?" He said giving a grim smile. Woah woah so she's getting married tomorrow? But just look at her,she must have been only 17 and he looks older.

Looking over at Violet I noticed shes trying to reach out for my hand. I didn't hesitate wrapping my hands around her, which fit perfectly together.

"No he's just a friend Justin. Stop assuming shit." Ive never seen her have so much confidence when she talked and this was the first time we even met.

"Fine. If he fucks you over, you can always come crying to me" He said looking at Violet then me with deadly eyes.

"Justin please its not like that. I just met him" She said but he was out of the building leaving three stunned guys staring at me with our drinks.

Why are they staring at me like tha-but the i felt a squeeze on my hand and I remembered I was still holding hers.

"Oh umm s-sorry I didn't know I was still....um sorry" Violet stuttered trying to let go, but I kept her hands in mine.                                                                                                                                     

"It's fine Violet you can hold my hand all day long if you want because you re coming with us.
Guys, this is my new friend Violet,Violet these are my friend Ashton,Luke and Michael. Welcome to the family!" her face was glowing with excitement.

"Calum we just met" She laughed showing her perfect smile.

"So do you mind telling us what happened in that fiasco back there?" Ashton asked handing me my drink. 

"Its Justin, hes just being an ass right now.I just need to go and try to make this wedding not happen" Violet said grabbing her coffee from the table and taking a sip.

"Wait so you're getting married tomorrow?" Michael asked taking a bite out of a chocolate muffin. That was what i've been wanting and he's taunting me.

"Yes and no" She said with a sad look.

"Which is it?" Ashton asked giving her a piece of his muffin to her which she ate right at the spot.

"I mean I am getting married but it was an arranged wedding from my dad before he passed away. I never even got the chance to say anything about it, but this is what my dad wanted. Justin and I couldn't say no because his parents are ecstatic and if we said anything about it they would be crushed." She said with a mouthful of muffin crumbs around her face.

"Didn't your mom have a say in this?" Luke asked and instantly Violets mood changed.

"M-my mom died from cancer when I was only 8 years old" I knew she didn't want to talk about her mom right now so i decided to change the topic.

"Hey why don't we go to the park and get to know each other more" I suggested getting a faint 'thank you' from Vi as the boys agreed to my suggestion.

"Calum we have one problem" Luke said giving me a look

"What's the problem with going to the park Luke?" I said walking towards the door to be greeted by screaming.

"We're surrounded"Well shit.

"I didn't know you guys were famous, do you guys dance or?" Violet asked giving us a questionable look.

"We cant dance if our lives depended on it. We're actually in a band called '5 Seconds of Summer'" Michael said showing her a picture of us on stage. 

"Wow, so all of these girls are fans? How are we going to get our of here?" She asked looking out the window looking at the sea of girls surrounding the building. 

"Theres only one way to get out guys"Michael said walking towards the door

"We meet every single one of them."

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