"So. Here you have it. After 16, long, bitter years I will declare war on your pack, Landon Trent. Maybe then, will your mother understand what it's like to lose someone close to you." His words were raw, but they held truth. This grusomely vicious man wanted revenge. It was the horrible reality, but it was certainly true. And as much as I loath him for everything he's managed to do to me, I couldn't hate him for it.

In his own sick twisted head, he had a valid reason.

And maybe I could see it from his angle after months with Ares. But did that make me a horrible person? No. If his mother had killed Ares and the twins I would be mad too. I wouldn't use a woman's body as my own personal human incubator, no, but I would still be mad.

I wanted to run home, warn Ares. I wanted to pack all of our things, take our sons, and move far away. I wanted to protect the three of them from their dark & daunting bloodlines. But I couldn't. This would always be apart of me, like it is to Ares, and it is to our sons. They were just as involved in this as I was. And I pray to the goddess, that this man wouldn't touch either 3 of them.

I watched as Landon gulped, trying to swallow air so desperately. We all became petrified.


I thought long and hard about what the Alpha Rogue wanted. It was more than an excuse to murder thousands of people and wolves. He wanted people to feel like he felt all those years ago.

"Hello, baby!" I roar childishly. Picking up Chase, now changed and ready for his nap.

He giggles. His chubby dimply cheeks turn red, showing how happy us. He gives me a toothless smile before blowing raspberries my way.

I can't quite express just how adorable the twins look with their fresh baby locks. Obviously they have curly hair like their father. Their eye colours have begun to come out, a vibrant green. Just like me.

Although they arrived earlier in my life than planned, I'm so lucky to have them. And I'm so lucky that they have a father that loves them just as much as I do.

"Hi, Mister!" Ares peers over my shoulder. Chase immediately starts to reach for his him, trying to form "da" with his small mouth, but not quite making it.

Ares lifts him up from my arms, Chase cuddles into his chest. I smile. It's moments like these that I live for.

"I just put Coby down," Ares begins to talk quietly, rubbing Chase's back. "He fell asleep straight away."

It was amazing that Ares has come so far. I'd only met him almost a year ago, I remember how angry he was. Just like his father. I shake that thought from my head, Ares was far from someone like his father.

I didn't tell him either. Was that bad? I didn't want to tell him that I knew who his father was. I was scared at what might happen. What if he wanted to meet him? What if the Alpha took him from me? I felt like I was being selfish. I just want to protect my family.

"What's up with you?" Ares whispers, grabbing my attention. Was it that obvious that other things were on my mind. "You okay?"

"I just.... got a lot on my mind." I thought quickly.

"Did you find out what the rogues want?" He asked, swinging the baby gently in his arms.

"Yeah," I sigh.

I tell him the story. Every piece of the story, except the part about his mother. I didn't want to tell him, and if I did, now wasn't the time. Maybe I'd tell him later, when twins weren't around.

"Shit." Ares scoffs, frowning. I smack him lightly on the arm, I've warned him about swearing near the twins. "Sorry, I mean dang." He adds.

I shake my head, beginning to laugh.

"What are you gonna do? Are we even gonna get involved? Remember, it's not your pack anymore." He reminds me, making me a little mad.

"Of course we'll get involved! It's my family---"

"Yes, yes. I know. But do you want to be exposing the boys to that?"

He had a point.

I didn't want them to be around something like this. They were far too young to know what war was. I didn't want them to know the damage it does, we couldn't just expose them like that. More importantly, they were easily targets. If the rogues knew about them, maybe they'd try and take them from us. The Alpha rogue couldn't take his son, but maybe he would try take his grandsons. The thought scared me. 

They were the perfect revenge. The grandchildren of the woman who killed his wife, the son of the son he couldn't have. If he knew about him, surely, he would try and take them from us. 

And that wouldn't happen, over my dead body. 

"You're right." I sigh.

Ares pulls me in, under his arm. Our son in his left, and me in his right. He kisses me on my head gently, tucking hair behind my ear. How could someone so loving and compassionate be the son of such a horrible man? 

"I just wish there was another way, so that no one would get hurt." I say quietly, noticing Chase is starting to yawn. 

I didn't want anyone to be at risk of getting hurt. My children. Ares. My brothers. They were the most important people to me, and they could all be taken away from me, just like that. I couldn't let that happen. I needed to protect them. 

It dawned on me selfishly, that there might be one thing I could do. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, and it wouldn't matter to me if I got hurt in the process. It would mean nothing if everyone was safe. Maybe there was something I could do. 



Updated with in a month! Yas. I've been on wattpad a lot more lately because of the book Hired To Love, i love it so much! books like that drive me on wattpad so much more, i've been writing or reading any chance i can get. 

I've got big, big plans for this story. Because sadly, like every story, it is coming to an end really soon. 5 Chapters maybe? If not, a little more. But then I'll be moving on to my next book. I'm so done with werewolf, it's gonna be a romance :)))) 

one day ill be a hot and famous wattpad author. one day.

lol hahaha seriously thought, love ya guys don't forget to vote, comment & follow :)))


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