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My alarm blares and I groan as I slap my phone. Winter break had been so nice I had almost forgotten about school. Almost. I lie on my back as I stare up at the ceiling trying to ignore the anxiety of the day to come. Hanging out with the popular girls in short increments over break had been one thing. Spending time with them at school would be a whole other.

I must have accidentally dozed off again because I suddenly feel my mother shaking me.
"Erin!" She practically screams in my face, "Your alarm went off, why are you still in bed?"
"Mom please." I grumble as I sit up.
"It's your first day back you can't be late"
I push my hair out of my face and rub my eyes.
"Ok, ok, Jesus." I say without thinking.

"Erin Hamilton!" She scolds me, "Do not say the lords name in vain under this roof."
Aw shit.
"Sorry, sorry."
I jump off my bed and flee to the bathroom before she can scream at me some more. I get in and close the door but not before I hear my brother snickering. Waking up in the morning was hard enough without my bible freak mother.

I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I head back to my room and get dressed. I pull on my wrinkled skirt and button down shirt. My hair hangs over my eyes like a veil and I push my curls out of the way, trying to style them a little. Long story short, I fail. I sigh and grab my backpack heading out the door.

Bible mom drives me to school but not before insisting I bring a scone with me. When we pull up at school she makes sure she gives me a big smoochy kiss on the cheek in front of everyone. When I finally break free and get out of the car, I take a deep breath before I plunge into school.

I walk awkwardly around looking for my friends. I squeeze between the crowds of jostling people until I reach my locker. I open it up and stick my head in to avoid all the commotion.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear a voice say.
"Oh hey!" I pull my head out suddenly and push my hair away from my face, "I was just uh...looking for something." I pray that I'm not blushing furiously.
"Um...ok." She says looking weirded out. She looks completely flawless (as always.) Her eyes are lined with winged eyeliner and she has her uniform somehow looking superior to everybody else's.

"Have you seen Jess or Ella?" I ask awkwardly.
She shakes her head,
"The halls are so full of losers." Her nose wrinkles in disgust, "But no I couldn't find them."
I stand there awkwardly as more and more people trickle in. Soon the bell rings and everyone starts heading to their classes.

Sabrina and I start walking when we hear a loud scream. Ella and Jessica ambush us with big hugs.
"Oh my god you guys!" Sabrina laughs as she hugs them back, "I'm so happy we're all together again!"
I hug them and force a few laughs.

I strut down the halls with the popular girls while we look down on everyone else. Nobody even bothers trying to talk to us, they all know Sabrina will make fun of them on her spam account later.

We're all best friends, untouchable, united. We're almost at the top of the schools hierarchy which is saying a lot since we're all rich private school kids. I swear our school is one set change away from gossip girl.

"So Erin," Sabrina slips her arm through mine, "Don't you think it's time we find you a boyfriend?"
"Oh my god finally!" Ella laughs and skips over so she's in front of us, walking backwards, "You're like the only one out of all of us who hasn't really dated!"

"I don't know I'm just not really interested in dating guys right now."
"Of course you are!" Sabrina says, "You really deserve it too. You're like one of the hottest girls in school."
I feel a little bit of heat rise to my cheeks.
"You really think so?"
"Yes!" Sabrina smiles at me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart jumps.
"Sure, yeah." I say quickly, "You're right. I really want a boyfriend."

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