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Shout out to @Rylie_Winchester
Check out her Markiplier fanfiction Get Punked. (More info in the shout out book)
(Sorry it took me a bit, but last chapter was serious and I didn't want to put a shout out on serious chapters. Thank you for the support, haha!)

Soft breathing defeats the strange silence the room brings... Everything is blurry. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Finally you're awake..." 

Becoming more alert, I realize I'm still in his arms, right in the same place against the wall while on the floor, where I had cried into his chest. "Did you sleep at all?"

He inhaled, slowly letting his eyelids close. "No..."


"I was thinking about what you said." He opened his eyes, baring them to mine. "I want you to know you don't have to suffer alone, okay?"

"I trust you, Jack." I put my arms around him for a hug I desperately needed. "Out of everyone, you were the one that protected me." 

Hesitating, his arms lightly held me. The corner of his lip pulled up in a half smile. "Come on, we gotta go get Mark."


Adda's P.O.V. >:)

"This is Dr. Thera." His voice greeted in a tone drained of any human emotion, memorizing a scripted set of words he'd utter like Siri.

"Hello, this is Addaline callin-."

"Addaline?" The sound of something dropping on his end of the line granted my hesitation to finish my greeting and raised my concern. "Are you calling about (Y/N)?"

"Yes. How is she?"

"Well, uh-" He made several sounds of inhaling and saying things like 'um', 'uh', 'I' and so forth. "You see, the way my bank account is set up-"

My heart stopped, dropping to my feet then shot back to my throat, beating faster and faster. I began to believe there is a cheetah in my neck trying to claw it's way out. "What happened?"

He sighed, understanding this matter cannot and will not be avoided. "I let her out. I needed the room anyways. There is a young teen, fourteen years old, who may have a cancer and may already be pregnant. She needs some attention and the only available room was (Y/N)'s. She did not need any further physical healing, though she needs mental therapy, she is no longer allowed to stay. I did you that favor against everything I believe."

"You let her go?" My jaw put pressure against my teeth in an attempt to hold back every curse word I know and to keep my volume from rising. "Where is she?"

"Addaline," he sighed, "what are you doing this for?"

Every nerve in my body screamed the violence I wanted to release. To punch him square in the jaw, at least once, would make me very happy, but not satisfied. "What do you mean?" 

"Why are you making everything so hard for her? She has been through hell and you're not giving her the benefit of the doubt or an easier time. Hell, you made her stay in the hospital longer than needed! Nothing physically was wrong with her anymore. What kind of friend decides to take away a human being's choice and free will?"

"Derek already talked to you about all this."

"He did. By the sound of your behavior, you are making her feel unwelcome nor okay to be herself. I have no idea what he sees in you that's so great, but you need to let her live. I'm certain she is damn sure tired of surviving."

The Scream Behind The Screen {Markiplier X Abused Reader} [First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now