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(IMPORTANT: Excuse/Explanation At The Bottom For Not Updating.)


I woke up to the sounds of Mark crying. Throwing off the blankets, panicking, I swung the door open. The sounds of his weepings echoed through the halls. I followed the heart breaking sound to find him doubled over on the couch, his hands cupped over his face. Weeping so loudly, he summoned the king of loudness. Jack vaulted over the couch and sat next to him as I did the same on the other side. 

"Hey," Jack gently pat his back in an attempt to comfort him, "what's going on?"

His sobs started to slow, being able to breathe again. "Just found out what's going on with a friend of mine..."

"What happened?" I asked, holding his hand.

"She's..." He wiped the tears, his bottom lip quivered with each word. "She's gone."

Jack and I exchanged a glance as he wept again into his shaking hands with every uneasy and unsettling breath he tried so hard to calm. 

"What happened?" I asked again, this time a little more firm in my speech.

"She was young..." He wiped his tears with his pajama's sleeve, trying one more time. "Someone who was such an inspiration to keep going... Someone who crawled through hell, who had to be strong enough to stand up and walk out the exit... Someone I wish I could've said I knew..."

Before I can ask again, he brought out his phone and played his voicemail.

'Mark! Mark! She's hurt bad! I don't know what to do! We called 9-1-1 a few moments ago, and they're still not here. We found her dangling from a tree. Why would she do this?'

There is so much heart ache in his voice as he panicked for her well-being.

'She's in the E.R. right now. Mark... I'm scared. What if I lose her? Please... Call me...'

He hesitated playing the next one, covering his mouth.

'They couldn't help her... She's gone... Please... Call me...'

His eyes tightened, trying to hold back the tears.

'I found her suicide letter... I'll send it to you...Please... Mark... Please call me.'

He brought up the text.

I'm sorry you found me like this... There is no other way out for me. This is the only way the memories will go away. This is the only way for me to be free from the hells I thought I escaped. 

I tried. I really did. 

But I couldn't do it. 

I had to watch the only person who ever cared about me die a slow painful death all because I don't have the cure in the palm of my hands. It's so hard... I'm trying to scrape together a person who isn't there. I tried getting a job, but it seems no one is hiring. I didn't want to go to the military. I really don't. But it's all I had left to rely on. It is my plan Y. My mental illness and my health were too much of an issue. I couldn't get in. 

She died.

She left me with two younger brothers and two sisters to take care of... One sister is sick. She has seizures and diabetes. What could I do to save her? I have nothing. I have no one. I am nobody. It's okay to die because the world never knew my name. It wasn't holding its breath for me to spread my wings.

The Scream Behind The Screen {Markiplier X Abused Reader} [First Draft]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum