Chapter 9

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Hello everyone!! Im not dead yet! Anyway I'm so sorry for not getting my fic updated. Plz forgive me! Please comment and vote! Again Im so sorry I didn't update faster! Again, Izaya's jerk of a father says some homophobic things so be warned. Also there is slight rape/non-consent so if that bothers you skip it please. And there I Shizaya SMUT! Yay!

Izaya's POV

My heart was beating out of my chest. I looked into the mirror of the school bathroom and saw my flushed face. The ends of my lips pulled upward when I though of what Shizu~chan said, " I love you." My heart beat quickened, and I splashed cold water on my face. I looked at the mirror, I still had the bruises and cuts and the scar, but now, I didn't hate myself. It was odd, to me at least. I guess when you get put down so much, you start to believe it. I shook my head, 'Shizuo said he loved me, and he wouldn't love someone that was ugly or bad.' I said to myself. I walked out of the bathroom and to my next class. The day went by normal, a few quick and hidden kisses were exchanged but nothing more. The haunting ring of the last bell meant the dreaded walk home. I pursed my lips together and walked out of the school. I noticed something strange about myself as I was moving. It was as if something told me not to go home at the moment. I tried to push it away, but it keep nagging me. I huffed and took the longer road that led to an alley where I could see a few of the run-down homes. There, at the place I call home was an old, rusty pick-up truck parked outside.

"Well, shit." I mumbled to no one. I knew what happened when my dad had friends over. He was very violent and more drunk than usual. I still could feel the beating and yelling. I glanced around, not in anyway wanting to go inside. At any rate it was, for the most part, dark and Shizuo's house was four or five blocks away. (It might be weird, but where I used to live it went from a really bad part of town to the middle class in about five blocks. It was crazy) I knew of the risk of walking my part of town at night. I stopped at the front stoop and had my hand on the door knob. The shouting and sound of glass breaking made my hands start shaking. I cautiously opened the door and looked to the living room where my father and two others where him and another were on the sofa while one was lounged on the chair. I had only taken about five steeps when I heard a very drunk and slightly perverted voice call out to me.

"Damn, you didn't tell me that we were having others." I froze on the spot. My heart pumping blood so fast I could see white every now and then. My eyes locked with that of a middle aged man, who was approaching me. My father looked over his shoulder and gave a harsh, bark of a laugh.

"That's my fucking faggot of a son. I'm ashamed I made that thing." His words cut through me, I was used to the hurtful comments but this one caught me off guard.

                                      [WARNING! NON-CONSENT STARTS! IM SORRY!]

While I was glaring at my "father" the other man had gotten too close to me for my own liking. I tried to move away from him, but he had a firm grip on my for arm, holding me in place. He flashed a toothy grin and cocked his head to the side while staring me up and down.

"Faggot you say? How interesting, I bet you get your pretty little ass fucked by a whole bunch of boys, don't you?" He said, the amount of alcohol wafting off of him was over powering. I stuttered a let go ,squirmed and kicked but I couldn't shake his grasp. Instead, he only tightened it and pushed me onto the counter, his crotch grinding into my bottom. I started to cry, I didn't even even make an effort to control them. The other man was wolf-whistling and shouting. I lifted my head off the counter to see my father, standing there, not doing anything. More sobs racked my body as I struggled to get free. My breath stopped when I felt a hand grab at my privates. I twisted and kicked more but the man was too heavy. Then I started screaming, I screamed for anyone and then Shizu~chan. My heart broke to think of what he would think of me. I suddenly felt my pants drop and the hand back, but touching me, skin on skin. Then, all at once I gathered all of my anger, hurt, and embarrassment and jerked with all I had in me. To my joy it worked and I ran out of the house like a bat outta hell, ignoring the death threats that were yelled at me. [RAPE SCENE OVER] About four houses down I fixed my pants and started my run to Shizuo's house. The crying only made it worse for me, my vision was blurred and I keep tripping over rocks. I finally reached his house and texted him quickly with shaking hands.

I'm outside, let me in. I'll explain later.

No longer than twenty seconds the door was opened and Shizuo was standing there only in a pair of loose night pants. I gave a week smile then busted out crying again. Shizu said something under his breath and scooped me up and carried me to his room. I had never been inside of his home before, it was big and clean. The opposite of my own. He sat me down on his bed. It was soft and smelled wonderful, like chocolate and mint with a bit of a earthy smell. He sat next to me and held my body closely. It was about an hour when I started to stop crying.
"Izaya, what happened? You can talk my parents went to visit my grandma." Shizuo said slowly. I sniffled and wiped my eyes.
" I, my dad and h-his friends t-they got drunk of them t-t-touched me." I stuttered and flushed a pink. I felt his grip tightened and put his head on my shoulder.
"Babe, I'm so sorry. I swear I will fucking kill them!" He said angrily. I smiled at him.
"You don't have to do that. However, there is something I do want to do." I spoke in a low voice. I knew I wanted to forget the hands. I wanted Shizuo to only touch me. He looked at me with a puzzled look. At that moment I jumped on him. I kissed him as if I had a sickness that only he could cure. He smiled and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. We fell backwards and into the pillows. Shizuo flipped us over where we was now on top. I gasped when I felt his lips and tongue kiss and suck my neck. A small moan pasted out of me when I felt his hardened length grind onto my own. I started to fell a hot burning in my lower abdomen.
"Ah! Shizuo, I-I want you to touch me." I moaned out. He laughed and pulled off my shirt.
"God you are so beautiful." Shizuo spoke in a husky voice. When he reached my pants he looked back up to me fir what I guessed was him asking if it was okay. I nodded and bucked my hips. He seemed to get the message and tugged the jeans and boxers off while he made sloppy kisses down my neck. I had closed my eyes but I felt a serge of electricity from my body. I opened my eyes and saw Shizuo pumping my shaft.  It felt so good, unlike fathers friend.
"Ah, Shizuo! Faster please!" I moaned out while bucking my hips. He kissed my lips.
"You have no clue what you do to me. Your too sexy, and your voice. Your voice is perfect." My heart fluttered as I heard the praise from Shizu~chan. He picked up his pace and I felt myself come close to my climax.
" Oh god! Shizuo!" I screamed as I came over his hand. " I'm glad you enjoyed it." Shizu~chan said, laughing. I looked down to him and saw he was in a similar position. " Could I take care of you?" I asked trying to keep my voice innocent. His eyes widen for a moment.
"If you want to, y-you don't have to." I smirked and pulled down his pants. I knew I had to reward Shizuo for all he had done for me. So why not this way?

I Hate to Love You-- A Shizaya FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang