Chapter 7

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Hey people! SO I wanted to say again thank you for the amazing support on this fanfiction! Love you all and I hope you enjoy! So I should say that this chapter contains some homophobic language, if you can't handle that just skip over it. Believe me its hard to wright it. Please drop a comment and vote! 

Izaya's Point of View

I walked out of the hospitable with Shizu~chan and I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside. I smiled when I looked down at our linked hands. I though back to my father talking to me in the hospitable room. I knew for a fact he was going to be pissed when I got home, but as of right now I could care less. I was on my first date and I was NOT going to let him ruin that. I looked around the streets and saw a ice cream parlor.

"Shizu~Chan! Let's get ice cream!" I said cheerfully while pulling his arm to follow me. I ran behind me and even opened the door for me. For me, little things like that mean so much. No one before ever did nice things for me, except for Shinra but it didn't have the same meaning. We sat down at the booth in the back if the parlor, ignoring the dirty looks from others.

"So, Izaya, what ice cream do you want?" Shizuo asked me. I though for a moment then replied , "Cookies and Cream." He nodded and got up to order. I smiled in my head, all at once my shitty life had been fixed. Someone actually loved me, and they would do what seemed like anything for me. I fixated my vision on the outside of the glass window and faded off into a daydream. In that time, Shizou came back with our ice cream. His sitting down opposite to me startled me out of my fictional dream. He handed me my cone and I thanked him.

"Hey, Izaya, are you okay? You looked like you were thinking about something really hard when I came over here." Shizu~chan said to me, his voice had a small bit of concern into it. I looked back at him.

"Oh I'm fine! I was just thinking about how much my life has changed. Also the fact that when I go home, my father will be pissed." I said back, my voice growing dark at the last part. I licked my ice cream cone and looked away from him. I felt something warm on my free hand that way on the booth table. Startled, I looked at my hand and saw Shizuo's own overlapping mine. I blushed again. 'Get your ass together, Izaya! Stop blushing every five seconds!' I scolded myself. 

"Izaya, I told you. Run away with me, I was going to move out soon anyway. We can go somewhere where your sorry excuse for a mother and father will never hurt you again." His voice was sharp, angry almost. However, it didn't seem as if he were angry at me. I shook my head sadly. 

"I don't want to go back, but they raised me. If it had not been for them I would never be here. I don't like them, but I want to try to change them." I murmurer. We both ate the rest of your food in silence.  

"Hey, where do you want to go next?" Shizuo asked me. I moved my crimson eyes around the outside of the parlor and saw a movie cinema.[Yes, I'm old and I call them cinemas]  

"I wanna go to the movies!" I pleaded looking up at Shizou. He smirked at me and walked along the sidewalk holding my hand. As my head wandered around, I saw many people shoot nasty glares at us. I ignored them though, until about half way to our walk to the cinema a older looking woman and a small child that she was dragging my the arm walked up to us. On instinct I hid behind Shizuo, when ever people walk up to you with a face red of anger, it's a bad sign. Or at lest it is for me. I looked up at the back and somewhat side of my boyfriends face as the woman approached us. I felt his hand go behind him as to shield me. 'Fuck, he's going to be the death of me if he keeps doing stuff like that.' I though just before I heard a very annoying voice.

"You two are revolting!" I heard the red faced woman yell at Shizuo. I saw his jaw tighten and his other hand turning into a fist. For a moment I was worried for the woman's safety. "If you want to be in a horrid relationship, do it away from the children! Your kind will spread like a virus! And in truth, that's all you kind are!" She continued, venom dripping from her every words. I felt my heart clench. 'Was this wrong? I didn't feel wrong. Shizuo made me happy and he loved me. I have always though that no matter what, if you love someone to not let anything stand in your way.' I shook my head.

"Your wrong." I said meekly steeping out from behind Shizu~Chan. The woman now glared at me instead of Shizuo. I continued, "Do you think it's wrong to be in love?" I asked her. She looked confused for a moment before responding.

"Not at all, it just when the same gender-" I cut her off with my own sentence.

"But, Miss, you just said it was okay to be in love. What if I told you you couldn't love your husband." I said pointing to the diamond wedding ring on her finger. She turned her head away and grabbed her child's hand and walked away. When the woman was about five feet away, Shizuo relaxed. He turned to me.

"That was a really brave thing you did." I smiled and felt heat rush to my face at his praise. 

"Thanks, it was really nothing. I just wanted to go before you punched her." I said giggling. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand again and we made a run for the the cinema. The line to get a movie ticket was very short and we just got one small popcorn to share. The movie was a sappy romance, but that was okay with me. The last twenty minutes Shizuo played the oldest trick in the book and fake yawned and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I smiled and snuggled into his warm chest. The movie ended with a few crying girl and one old woman blowing her nose into a kerchief. I sighed and we both left the cinema.

"I really had fun today." I said looking up at my boyfriend as we walked about the city. He nodded in agreement. "Would you let me take you out again, Flea?" Shizu~Chan said.

"Duh! What part of "I really had fun" did you not get?" I joked. "Hey, I need to get home now. I will see you at school tomorrow though!" I tried to sound happy, but failed. Shizuo had a angered face when ever I spoke about my home. I walked up at him and hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran off to my house. 

About ten minutes later I arrived at my doorstep. I hated the fact I was going to go in there and face my father and he horrible things he would say to me about my relationship. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and walked in. I looked around and only saw the T.V on and my father passed out drunk on the filthy chair. I walked up the stairs to my room, but before I could enter the hall light was flicked on. I held my breath. 

"Izaya! Where the hell were you?! Your father came home with a broken jaw! Says you got some fag to fuck you. That true boy?" My mothers slurred voice said to me. She looked awful, her black hair in tangles and leaning against the wall. I gulped.

"I was just out. Shizuo is just a friend of mine." I said. I felt so guilty about not confessing our relationship but I didn't want to get hurt. She laughed.

"I think your a lying piece of shit! No one want's your friendship!" She said harshly. Her words cut through me harder than a knife. I stared at the floor and saw her bare feat come closer to me. Her cold hand clasped my chin and yanked me to look at her. She sneered and slapped me across the face. Her ring cutting a gash into my face, I felt the blood trickle down, but ignored it. She stumbled back into my parents bedroom and I walked into my own. I flopped down on the bed and took out my phone. It was a cheep one, but I worked. I was amazed when it said one new message.

From; Unknown  

To: Izaya

Hey, I just wanted to let you know I love you and I miss you already. Can't wait to see u again!      -Shizuo <3

I smiled at the phone and typed a fast and most likely sloppy 'love you too'. I fell asleep for the first time with a smile on my face and a flutter in my heart.

I Hate to Love You-- A Shizaya FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu