Chapter 2

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A/N So, thanks for the support I have gotten! Love you all! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Shizuo's Point Of View

beep! beep! beep! beeep!

   I groaned and slammed my fist into my nightstand and on my alarm clock crushing it. I pulled the covers over my head, not wanting to get up. I huffed out the air in my lungs and slowly removed the blankets from my head. I sat up and and walked over to my closest and took a white shirt and blue suit. With my uniform in hand I walked to the bathroom, changing and the going down for breakfast.  I ran a hand through my blonde hair as I walked down the hallway filled with pictures of my mother and father, Kasuka and me. I looked down at my wrist watch and saw the time, if I didn't hurry, I would be late. I ran into the kitchen to find Kasuka reading a book calmly in the chair at the new, expensive table.

  "Oh, Shizuo, your awake? I left milk." He said, pointing to the end of the table. I grabbed the drink and downed it in two gulps. While ravishing the pantry, I found a box of Lucky Charms. I poured some out into a bowl and ate quickly. 

"Bye, Kasuka! Tell mom and dad I will be back around 4!" I yelled while walking out the door. Kasuka was staying home from school because he was sick and it was frustrating. Why? Because I had to past the Flea's house on my way to school. When I am with my brother, I don't really mind him. Now, if I see him I will kill him. I shook my head and keep waking. I got to where I could see Izaya's dilapidated house, I growled when I saw the door open. No one other than the Flea stepped out. I don't think he say me as he simply sped walked. I was actually glad that we didn't fight.  I would never admit this to anyone, but I did have a very small, almost insurmountable crush on the raven. That's why I hate him, and also he starts drama for people. Lets also not forget the countless gangs he had sent on me. I keep walking until I reached the front of Raira Academy. I opened the door and went to the lockers and put my shoes away. I went to my first class and when I entered the class room, my eyes landed on Izaya's face. It was obvious he was wearing make-up, but he looked, almost afraid when I came in. We locked eyes for a few seconds, before he jumped and looked down at the floor with his head down. I ignored it and walked to my seat waiting for class to be over. Two more tedious classes later it was lunch time. I saw Flea walk to where the roof was and I though I would follow him, you know, to see what he was doing. Not that I like him enough that I want to eat lunch with him or anything! I went up the old, cracked stone steps and found him sitting on the laying on the floor with no food. I moved to walk closer to him, but he sat up and turned.

"What do you want Shizu~Chan?" He asked, his voice seemed to not be the buoyant and sarcastic one it usually was. For the first time, I kind of felt bad for him. Something was wrong and he almost sounded broken. No, NO! I do not care for a fucking FLEA! No way! 

"I eat here. Now leave!" I snapped out at him. As I looked him in the face, his crimson eyes seemed to dull every so slightly. He looked around him and started to move to stand, but when he got the legs up he let out a sharp gasp and clutched his side.  He shoved me out of the way and glared at me as the walked out of the roof door. 

" I fucking hate you, Shizuo!" He said in a calm, but firm voice. My eyes widened and my heart sank. Not only did he just cuss for the first time. Izaya said he hated me. I watched him as he walked down the stairs.

                                          "Izaya wait!" 

  A/N :Hahahahah!! A cliff hanger! Sorry about how short the chapter is.

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