"I'm new at this tribrid, cut me some slack." Kai says as he walks behind me, almost acting like he's expecting me to fall so he can catch me.

"Alright, meet me at the doctor's office at 3:00. I love you." I say to him as I quickly turn around and peck his lips.

"Ugh, are you sure I can't join you in the shower?" Kai asks as he leans against the doorframe to the bathroom.

"Hell no, having you stay overnight in my bed is risky enough. If my Uncle Elijah hears us in the shower together I'm pretty sure that it'll be a shit show." I chuckle, knowing that I didn't burn sage in the bathroom so my family members will surely hear us. "Even though I can't have sex this late in my pregnancy, them knowing that we're naked together will most likely make their heads explode." I tell him as I kiss his cheek and open my bathroom door.

"Fine, fine. I love you." Kai reminds me as he pecks my lips. "Doctors appointment, 3:00." He reassures me as I start disappearing into the bathroom.

"Don't be late." I smile at him as I close my bathroom door, knowing that on the other side he is probably already gone. Experiencing the loss of my brother has been so incredibly painful, but having Kai back in my life helps me forget about the loss and focus on some of the things that I will be gaining in the very near future.


Penelope's P.O.V.
"Could you pass me the shampoo please?" I ask Klaus as I stand under the head of our shower, feeling the hot water running down my body as Klaus stands in front of me, lathering his body with soap.

He doesn't speak, he just hands me the bottle and I mutter a small thank you to him as I put some shampoo into my hand and begin running my fingers through my hair, getting my curls all soapy. Even though we aren't really saying much or interacting much, the closeness of being in the shower together makes me feel better. It makes me feel not so alone and not so hollow inside. I can tell this helps him too, not just me. It's good for him to be by me and not all cooped up in his study.

We both continued our shower until we were pretty much as clean as we could get and I turned off the water and we stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my towel around my bust line and Klaus wrapped his around his waist. I clipped my curls behind my head as a few wet strands of hair escaped the clip and fell around my face.

I walked over to our sinks and I picked up my locket. Inside I know that there is a picture of my three children, and now knowing that only two are with me makes my heart pang with a certain sadness.

"Would you like me to help you?" Klaus asks as he sees me holding the locket in my hand. I look at the mirror and see him walking up behind me. I nod my head slightly and hand him the locket.

"Please." I answer as he takes the locket from my hand and secures it around my neck for me. "Thank you." I say as I put my hand on top of the locket and feel it securely around my neck. Klaus just continues to stand behind me and nod his head as he moves towards his sink that is next to mine. I feel my heart just hurt in my chest and I look at him. "Klaus..." I say to him as I turn my body towards him.

Klaus looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes, letting me know that he is listening to me. "Maybe we should do something tonight? Like take the girls out for a bite to eat or something?" I suggest to him, knowing that since we've lost our son we've been deeply neglecting our daughters. Klaus looks at me for a second and I can't get a read on him.

"Perhaps that would be a good idea... I feel as though we've been neglecting our daughters for too long." Klaus agrees with me as he leans his lower back against the sink and crosses his arms over his chest. I feel bad that we have been neglecting our daughters and their needs but Klaus and I are so involved in our loss it almost feels as though the loss of our son is the only thing that really matters right now. I look at Klaus as tears begin to form in my eyes.

Loving Hope (Third book to The Little Wolf series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt