"Nah Stasia wanted to get back she was worried about Soph, so we bought breakfast for all"
he's smiling then walks over to pick up his egg n
bacon McMuffin
"Cool how was last night"

"Was good... things ran smoothly, how about here"
I'm smiling like I won the lottery, trying to get him to spill.
"Yeah good, Soph was upset about something you said. I've fixed it, so all good now."

"What? what I say?"

"Fill you in latter.. soo Stasia, Keata normally sleep this long"

Stasia shakes her head no ....so we all go to her room.  As we pass, Soph
comes out "What's going on," Stasia tells her
"Keata hasn't woken up yet it's 1130am"
with that Soph runs past us all, bursting through the door to Keeta shaking all over the place. Fuck Soph and Stasia run to the
bed Stasia puts her on her side and Soph clears everything away that can hurt her she looks at Stasia "how long you reckon?" Stasia shakes
her head and says,
"I came in about 4 mins  ago she wouldn't wake up
Soph" Sophie nodding her head then says
"call 000 Stasia"
I grab my phone Bullet is just watching seeing what he can do, I call 000.
"They're sending an ambulance should be here in 20min you good with that girls"
They both say yes together. Bullet walked out but before long he's back with a bucket I'm wondering what the fuck that's for but
before long, the poor kid starts vomiting, shit... he then walks back from the hall way with a washer and tries to put it on Keata's head which is hard cause she's jolting everywhere.

Soph starts singing this lullaby and Stasia joins in before I know it Keata starts to slow her jolts
then she stops, Bullet looks at his watch saying
"5 minutes... is that usual Soph"
Soph is shaking, so is my girl,  Stasia answers
"No only the bad ones last that long."

says Bullet as he's walking out the door again. I follow and say,
"Hey what are you doing"

"She'll be staying in hospital after that, so I'm gonna get their bags organized so she can be ready to go" blowing a big breath out I walk
with him to Sophie's bedroom as we finish .. well Bullet finishes packing
we hear the ambulance coming down the road so I head to the door and open it.

Before long the ambo's are in Keata's room asking questions about what's happened.
Soph answers them, then they load her up and there off with Soph in the ambulance. 

Bullet grabs the bag and asks

"You two coming with me or are
you drive there Drew"
I tell him I'll drive. Then I get Stasia in the car
and we're off.

Sitting in emergency with no one telling us whats going on is driving me crazy .
Stasia's just rocking in her chair I'm about to put her in my lap.
Bullet is pacing I look at Stasia and ask ,
"This happen often babe"
she just nods then shakes her head then nods Jesus which is it.... Then she starts to say something and Soph walks out
"She'll be ok, she is comatozed at the moment from the seizures she must have
had them all night,  there going to check for infection or other things that could be causing them. She'll be in a room soon but you guys can
go, I'm fine, we'll be fine,  Stasia I just need some clothes please!"
just as Stasia opens her mouth Bullet says
"I got them in the truck I'm stayin."
Soph smiles a half smile but shakes her head "Honestly Bullet we're fine, thanks ."

Bullet walks over to her puts his arms around her
cuddling her close he whispers something in her ear then kisses her temple, as he walks away  he tells me, "come on brother we're on coffee and food."  Well, fuck me!!

At the coffee shop, I pull my phone out and send a text to Prez

ME: at the hospital, Soph's little one seizured, not sure hw long!

Looking at Bullet I fill him in
"Prez wanted us at his office by 2 pm
but I just text him whats up"

" Yeah I'm not leaving till Keata's awake"

"yeah I figured" my phone buzzes so I get it out again it Prez

PREZ: I'll be there at 2 need to talk.... hope girls are good I'll let Mira know.

Bullet's  reading over my shoulder, so he knows what's going on, it must be important if he's coming here.

We're up in Keata's room now.  It took about one and half hours......fucken hospitals.
I'm in a chair with Stasia on my lap. Soph is on the bed with Keata, and Bullets on the other side of myself and Stasia is in the other chair.
Just waiting silently for Keat to wake up!
We all hear a knock at the door, and in walks Prez and Mira with a big soft
teddy Sophs the first to talk,
"oh thank you guys,  but no need to come. she'll wake when she's ready then we'll go home."
what the fuck....
  she must be in shock or something. Mira runs around the bed and grabs
her in a big hug ,that is when Soph lets it all go, she sobs into Mira,  Bullet goes to stand next to them puts his hand to her head and
whispers something in her ear, she nods and Mira smiles then he looks at Prez
"lets get coffees" I stand up with Stasia in my arms then place
her on the chair and kiss her on the lips soft and slow, then all us
guys leave the room Prez starts first
"How are the girls doing and how about our new princess"

"There hanging in there but I think there've only had each other since they met and no one before that"
Bullet nods his head agreeing with
me, he must know some more stuff too.
I look at Prez
"So what's the other reason you came here"
getting out his phone he hands it to
Bullet first.
Bullet swears then passes it to me,
"Fuck when was this taken"
Prez is shaken his head I'm thinking at the family bbq seeing its  your girl"
still looking at the other photos of Izzy  as well,  I
look at both brothers "They're planning something and it has to do with my girl and Izzy"
fuck mine has enough demons to last a lifetime.

Bullet looks at us shaking his head
"What if there's a connection maybe the
girls know each other or something else"

"Nah they met for the first time the other day then at the bbq that I know, but Stasia has demons and I'm only starting to understand them"
both nod their heads then where getting coffee and snacks for the
girls on our way back Prez  starts,
"Drew you need to find out if her
demons are anything to do with Izzy's"

"Or we need to find out who has it in for these two girls" Bullet adds. 
Nodding we push through the doors and sit with the girls while they comfort Soph.

UNCHAINED TORTURE TO BLISS, Angels of Fury MC series Where stories live. Discover now