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I lay awake in my bed watching the rotating fan go around. The axe accident hasn't given me a good name to be exact. I've been becoming increasingly unpopular in the school. I swear that I was tripped by a jock yesterday, he didn't apologize. Ellis then hears a knock on the door. " go away!" She says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. She hears the knock again and gets up to answer it. " what the hell do you wa-" she's cut off by realizing it's Jordan Rockwell on her Mat. " well hello Rich boy! Do you need help in finding your gigantic golden helicopter?" " real funny Ellis but I need your help" " why would you need my help?" " because I know you're also worried about what's going on in the school" Ellis shudders. She didn't think someone else was worried about the horrors in this school. Sadly she shouldn't have said yes to his help.. it would have saved her life. Just say yes you idiot! You might actually find something worthwhile with his help! " alright fine! Where do you first want to start?" " let's ask the janitor first, he might know some things" " alrighty! Let me get dressed first." " I wouldn't mind seeing you in just that!" He winks and Ellis starts to blush. No! Don't blush! She regains her composure and closes the door. She picks out a blue sweater and black jeans, she also puts on black boots and ties her hair into a short ponytail. She opens the door and finds Jordan eyeing her up and down. " what?" " you look decent enough! Vamos!" Ellis rolls her eyes and follows after him. " Albert might have information based on the fact that he's seen Moira and Alex do deals around the yard. As they walk up to Albert the janitor, Ellis is gripped with a very strange feeling. She feels that Albert will know more than lets on, so she changes into her Suspicious attitude. " hey Albert!" " hello Jordan!" Albert had a severe stutter problem so we took our time with him. " have you seen anything suspicious about Moira and Alex when they did their " deals" here?" " well last night as I was tending to painting the walls, I heard them both arguing about some guy named Johnny who was after them." " they said that he was gonna find them and take them to the red room. " red room?" Ellis asked. " did they say where it was maybe?" " oh yeah Jordan! Because drug dealers walk around giving up their locations!" Dumbass. " alright I'm sorry!" " that's all i heard!" Albert says. The feeling that Ellis had has faded away. He's telling the truth. " okay then Albert! Thank you!" Ellis says and pulls Jordan away with her. " I think I know who Johnny is!" " who is he?!" " Johnny Adams! He hangs around the diner in town a lot!" " He might be there right now! Damn Ellis you're smart!" Ellis starts to blush a little. " thanks" she says it with huge hints of giddiness in it. They both head off for the bus to take them off campus. Once they arrive straight into town they head immediately to the diner. " there he is Jordan!" They spot an older man sitting in the last booth of the diner. He has a hat on and is focused on eating his pancakes and drinking his coffee. " I think that's his Jordan." Ellis and Jordan both walk up to Johnny. " hey there sir!" Jordan Says with a smile. " what the fuck do you kids want?!" " just to ask some questions jerk!" " are you police officers?! Then no! You can't have your questions fulfilled!" He curses under his breath and goes back to finishing his pancakes. " please Johnny we need your help... someone is out here who's going to kill me soon and I need to stop them before the truth is locked away." He gives Ellis and truly sympathetic look and sighs. " Alright kids you know that mr.smith guy right?" They both nod their heads. " he's in this drug operation and when the deal with me and those other two kids Alex and Moira went wrong because the cops showed up he told me they where dead!" " why?" " because the cops are getting closer each second we do this because-" he's cut off by two police officers walking up to them. " are you Johnny Adams?" " ye-yes" " you're under arrest"

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