3.To JV

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May 5,2017
5:32 pm

"You were red.
you liked me because I was blue,
and suddenly I was a lilac sky..."

I'm not quite sure how that verse ended, I mean with what exact words did it ended but I kept the thought;the idea marked my mind and soul.

How about you,do you still remember that line from that song? I know you do.

It has been a year since you have agreed to what that last words in our song said. You left. You have decided that I'm not enough and after all of the things that we both shared—sorrows and joys—i'm just too plain.

too boring.

without you,I'll just be that old blue. Calm. Serene. Peaceful.

you thought that you were much stronger than I am because you were that red. Powerful. Intimidating, as always. That's what you thought of yourself, always bigger than anyone else even me.

You were red.
Still red. Still that dark dark red.

You're still finding another shade of blue that you can mix yourself again into—another lighter shade of blue that you know will just make you more red and you thought that anything cannot overcome you. You're that good.

I'm rooting for you to meet a much darker shade of blue that will match you.

A darker shade of blue. Not as boring as me. Not as weak as the other shades of blue. It will be different among the rest—Strong and Powerful, just like you.

I know I will about to see you really soon and I don't know how to face you. But I'm hoping that once we meet, you'll no longer be that intimidating red who likes to cause pain to others—you'll be like the lilac sky, still with a little touch of red but not too much.

Because "Too much of something can cause destruction."

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