2. To FS

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May 3,2017
10:18 pm

A separate one huh?

A separate letter.

Its because this one is just all about us—all about the days before we had this deafening silence between us.

This is about our laughters. Our laughters that lightened both of our days.

This is about our hummings. Our hummings that made our bond stronger. The one that gave us peace.

This is about our sighs. Our sighs that made us pat each other's shoulder and with assurance, we tell one another that everything's going to be okay and that we have each other's back.

This is about our eyes. Our eyes that saw each other's ups and downs. Our eyes that saw the real us.

This is about our lips. Our lips that said a lot of things to comfort each other. Our lips that formed smiles whenever we're both together.

This is about our arms. Our arms that we both hold into—without any reason.

This is about our hands. Our hands that gets electrified when they touch. Our hands that helped each other to stand up and start again.

This isnt  about our bellies.this is about my belly—how you always find a way to fill it. It's about my belly that seemed to bloat and I think you don't mind.

This is about our feet. Our feet that couldn't stop from running towards one another. It seems like we always wanted to bond and talk about life.

This is about our fart—how we slap each other's shoulder and tell one another how disgusting we were. This is about our fart that taught us to accept one another and be there for each other.

This is still not all about us, there's still something that they dont know about us—we both liked each other.

very much.

letters that i probably won't sendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ