[2] Jewels of stone

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The Stars covered the night sky, I forgot all about my new life, I just wanted to be part of something, I was but I wanted to be something that is important, I'm not important. I looked at the water realizing, I wasn't asleep anymore, I walked into the water, I loved how it brushes against my sides, I was very happy, just then something happened, a saw a wall of sparkles surround me, then when I looked at myself I was the Dark Blue dragon again, what was happening to me, so I stepped out of the water, and the magic sparkles appeared once more, then I turned into a human girl, did God pick me to be a female Dragon, then a human? I had to figure this out, but I had to go to school, I think I was like 16, whatever I was the smartest kid at my middle school, so I can figure this out.

I walked back into the water seeing my mom swimming around, I swam to her, I said to her that I wanted to go to school, my mom just shook her head at told me to follow her, I did and there was a mermaid school! I swam down but my mom grabbed my tail, she told me not to swim there I wasn't a mermaid, so she took me back to our home, and she told me she would home school me, I was excited I've always wanted to be home schooled, even though this home schooling thing might be very different then human stuff, but I was fine with it. I swam done to the school, but I didn't go inside it or anywhere around it, I didn't want to be seen, my mom told me it was dangerous.

I swam back to my mom, hoping she would home school me, she told me a lot about the dragon history, I wasn't very interested in the dragon history but it was nice to know about some dragon stuff, that's when she was talking about how to fly properly, I didn't see wings so I questioned why she was talking about it, I looked at her really confused, she finally told me that I was a special type of dragon, that I could be any dragon I wanted. I looked at her in shock, I couldn't believe what I heard, I swam to the surface, looking around, that's when I realized I was in my home town, Paris;France, I walked on land seeing my the sparkles again, I figured that this would happen every time, I walked into the town, seeing everything from my childhood, it was just beautiful, I walked into one of the bakery's, they asked what I would like, I said I don't want anything, I can't pay anyways, They said it was on the house, so I asked if I could have a strawberry shortcake, they said yes, they made it because they didn't have anymore, but they had the ingredients, I walked over to the counter grabbing my strawberry shortcake, it smelled so delicious, I grabbed a pencil and paper and started to draw the delicious treat, I finished at gave it to the man, I told him, that's my payment to you, since I don't have money , he thanked me for the drawing and put it on the wall, it was the best thing I have ever drawn, I walked out of the bakery with my strawberry shortcake, I couldn't wait to bite into it. I sat down at a table outside, I ate the strawberry shortcake, it was the best thing I have ever tasted in years, I loved the sweet smell of the strawberry's, I stood up and walked towards the beach, I needed to go home, I walked close to the water, just then someone grabbed my hand, I turned around and pulled my hand away, I looked at who grabbed my hand, it was a man, well a teenager, he looked at me, and told me to go over to where his friends were, I followed him and they all told stories about seeing a water dragon in the water, when they went diving, I shook my head and said that what they were saying was just a some fish swimming, but I was the water dragon. I rain to the water and I jumped in, I noticed that I changed quicker than before, I heard them all say I told you there was a water dragon, I swam deep down into the ocean, I didn't want them to know it was me, They might become some of my new friends.

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