First Dance Part 2

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When we walked into the dance we were greeted by Hayden and Johnny they told us we were pretty. We said thanks. After eating Hayden asked me to dance. While we were dancing Hayden said" You really do look pretty Annie" "well thank Kenzie"I said looking over to Johnny and Kenzie who were laughing.
"No I mean all the time everyday" he said causing me to look at him "really?"
"Yeah" we had a staring moment and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the roof. "Wow what is this place" it had all kinds of colorful flowers and some were dangling.
"The place were we had our first kiss"
What we've never-" he cut me off by kissing me at first I was shocked but then i kissed him back.

Smooth Hayden smooth. Annie had her first kiss yay hope you enjoyed I know they've been kinda short lately but I've been busy with school.

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