First Dance part 1

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I woke up like every other day I toke a shower and then I got dressed.

I woke up like every other day I toke a shower and then I got dressed

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I just got my cast off and I ran down stairs and ate breakfast. Then after Caleb finished eating we walked to school.
"Bye Caleb are you walking me to PT today after school."I told him he nodded
"Annie!"Kenzie shouted or squealed running up to me.
"What Kenzie"I shouted back.
"Did you hear about the dance and guess what" After I didn't answer she said"Johnny asked me too go and I said yes"we both squealed.
"What's got you two so happy"a voice behind us asked. We turned around to see Hayden and Johnny.
"Nothing" We both said at the same time.
"Girls are so weird"Hayden said shaking his head Johnny nodded.
"And boys are so gross"I said Kenzie nodded.
"Anyways... Annie can I talk to you for a sec" Hayden asked.
"Sure?"I said kinda confused.
He pulled me away around the corner and said "will you go to the to the dance with me?"
"Yes I would"I said after a minute of consideration.
"Really?"he said looking up from the ground
"Yup"I said giggling. Then we went back around the corner and Hayden walked away with Johnny. I told Kenzie everything and we started to jump up and down and squeal.
After school and Physical Therapy I went home and then to Kenzie's house to get ready. My dress looked like,

Kenzie's dress looked like

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Kenzie's dress looked like

Kenzie's dress looked like

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We did my hair like

We did Kenzie's like

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We did Kenzie's like

Then we headed to school for the dance

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Then we headed to school for the dance.


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