Chapter 3

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Jasper's point of view

It is  Saturday and it is quiet, which means Mel hasn't come out of her bed. But when she is awake the whole house is full of noises but it kind of makes the house more lovely and lively. I am forever the quiet child of this house so she redeems that with her talks and bickerings.

"Oi, baby bro is my breakfast ready? I am so hungry." she said coming out of her room in the dining ."It is going to be ready very soon" I said to her and she nodded and again went to her room. This is the first time that she went to the room after asking for breakfast otherwise she will take a seat with her hair in all directions and stains of drool running down the corner of her mouth. She is really beautiful but she really doesn't wake up looking like those TV princesses cause she moves so much in her sleep that she sometimes rolls down from her bed.

I was just about to take out the pan to make eggs and bacon, Melrose came running into the kitchen and she appeared to be nervous. "Is everything already prepared?!" she asked in an urgent voice. I got confused as to why she was talking like something wrong happened or is about to happen?

"No, I am going to prepare it now. It won't take long. Why did you ask that?" I said to her so that I would know the reason behind her behaviour and prepare food in peace.

"Oh sorry I forget to mention that my mate and his friend, also our soon to be Alpha are coming over to pick me up so we can spend some time together and that way I can introduce you to them and they can have some yummy breakfast made by my sweet brother. So please make breakfast for them too. Pretty please. And sorry once again for being a shitty sister." she said.

   The revelation made my eyes nearly bulge out of my socket. I know how to cook but my food is only eaten by my family and not by others. And it is not about only food. I am also about to meet someone new who happens to be the beta of the pack and the mate of my sister along with the alpha of the pack as his friend. And this kind of makes me want to go and hide in my bed so no one can see and judge me.

        Trust me guys when I say being an introvert is like living a life in a war zone and the only difference is that you don't have any fighting between two parties but fight within yourself to carry the daily activities without completely losing your soul. Rather than the external voice, it is the internal voice that is harder to manage.

"B...but I have ne...never cooked for other and you know that I am not good with stran..ran...gers. I ...I am feeling kind of sick now. Mel do you rea ..lly have to invite them to only introduce me?" I asked with desperation in my voice while stuttering. I really stutter hard when I am nervous and this means I would also have a panic attack when the nervousness is too much to handle.

"Don't worry Jazz, they are not going to judge you. And I am very sure that they would love your cooking and like you as well. Just please believe me, okay? And if they just so happens to judge you then I am going to kick their ass out of this house, mate or not." she said and this calmed me down somehow but it wasn't enough to completely calm down my nerves. And that is the difference between me and her. I love her but sometimes she does something that makes me want to kick her to the mars.

" Okay, now I am going to my room. Jasper everything would be okay so don't worry so much," she said and went to her room to get ready. At least she could have said that yesterday. I would have muttered some courage to talk to them and practice to calm my nerves down.  I know Mel didn't tell me about it before cause she knows that I won't get a good night's sleep worrying about it.

I started to prepare breakfast which consists of scrambled eggs and blueberry pancakes with a lot of honey drizzled over them. It is not like I always made blueberry pancakes but I don't know why I wanted to prepare them with honey over it. I don't know what is happening to me nowadays. Maybe I was too nervous to analyze what I was doing and for what reason I was doing the things that I am doing now.

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