Chapter 2

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Ashton pov

"Arghhh" why does it have to be the damn alarm clock that always wakes me up in the middle of my dream? I don't wanna go to school. It has been like four years since I attended the regular school with multiple classes with allocated time, so I feel really very new with the thought of starting my senior year. I mean the training was also done in school but it was more combats and physical training with knowledge that was practically teaching me how to run a pack. Just cause my father is the head of a pack doesn't guarantee that I, as his son would be able to smoothly run the pack. For that, I need some hands-on experience and knowledge which is why I went on four years of training away from home. But as per my dad, to survive outside of a pack and in human society, I need to at least graduate high school and obtain a degree, hence cramming in the senior year. 

No matter how lazy I am feeling I need to attend the first day of my senior year otherwise my mom is going to kick my ass out of the house. And I don't want to be on the blacklist of my mom as soon as I return back home. She is very lovely, beautiful and kind but when someone defies her, then she wouldn't back off to castrate them. And even dad fears for his life when he defies mom which is really funny to look at the big, bad alpha cowering away from a small petite woman.

"Ashton, are you awake?" mom asked me from outside the door. "Yeah, mom. I am awake." I said. Why do I feel like today is going to be a very long day?  I don't want any drama to happen in my life, not at least today cause I want peace of mind after the long-ass training which was harder as hell but so accomplished at the same time. The self-confidence, strength and knowledge that I got from that training would be my lifetime achievement.

After I had a cold shower, I went downstairs to have my breakfast. The cold shower was the daily routine in the training, so even in cold we were really trained very hard and were given the very little privilege that we would get at home but at last, it was worth losing all those privileges to be someone who I am, someone whose arrogance was stripped from deep within me and cultivated with humble beliefs. 

John is going to be my beta who is also my best friend. And I am moving to the alpha suite after I found my mate. I am pretty excited to find my mate cause I only turned 18 a week ago. And John turned 18 three days after my birthday. My mom and John's mom were pretty sad as they couldn't celebrate our 18th birthday. But we are going to throw a joint party in the packhouse so all of the members of the pack are invited.

I sit up from my chair and bid my parents goodbye and me and John went our way to the school. I am excited as well as afraid to again be with many friends. I don't know whether I would find my mate or not. Others might be wondering, why are your species in such a hurry to find your mate, there is also a thing called hooking up and relationship.  And I would say, yes there are such things but what can I even do when god me a hopeless romantic who wants to be in love with only his mate. 

" I also know about it Ashton, don't even get started with your self-righteous monologue on me okay cause I am the only one who suffers from your inner thoughts. It is really hard to be your wolf sometimes with how dramatic you are. "my wolf Dakota said. As dramatic as I am, my wolf is ever more dramatic than me. But I won't trade him for anyone else, he is very good at giving decision that has always benefitted us in one way or another. 

"Sorry, not sorry. You choose to be my wolf so you suffer your own decision you banana head. But I am really looking forward to finding my mate. I promise to cherish him or her till death do us apart." I promised it so that I would make clear that no matter what my mate maybe I am going to love my mate. My mom always taught me to do good to others without any expectation to get the same treatment back but I truly learned the meaning behind it in the training where I  get to meet different individuals with different traits and beliefs. No wonder, it is hard to survive out in this world with one always being a hero or a villain. There is more than only black and white to the people. There are different colours for the different individuals, so having no expectations is the best way to be truly happy on your own.

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